Chapter 2

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Disclaimer. All publicly recognizable characters, settings etc., are the property of their respective owners. The original characters, ideas and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I only do this for fun.

Out of the Dark & Into the Light

A/N: This story is written as a collaboration by both Xo BellaItalia oX and Katara Melody Cullen. If you have any questions, post them in my reviews and I will answer them in my next Author's Note at the bottom of the chapter. We hope that you enjoy the story and look forward to reading your reviews.


"Hey Jackson, I'm back!"I yelled out.

It was then that I noticed that something was amiss. There was a familiar scent lingering in the entryway while the source of the scent wafted from the living room, intermingling with Jackson's.

"Come into the living room!" He called out for me before I could question him. "There's someone here to see you."

Furrowing my brows, I walked into the living room only to see Jackson sitting next to none other than someone that I hadn't seen since that fateful night in 1930, my mother, Esme Cullen.

I dropped my bag and ran to my mother throwing my arms around her neck, a lump forming in my throat as I took in her comforting scent and motherly embrace.

Chapter 2

(Crystalline's POV: Jackson's House; Texas)

"Mommy, I missed you so much." I confessed to her while stilling holding onto her. It was just so surreal having her here and in my arms where I could see her, touch her, and talk to her. She always smelled of apple pie, cinnamon and honey suckle. I relished her smell as I breathed her in, calm flowing throughout my body.

"I missed you too, dear." My mother say's happily while holding me tenderly in a way that only she could. I had missed my mother so much throughout these years and having her here, I couldn't help but wonder how on Earth I seemly made it through this much of my life without her motherly wisdom, affectionate hugs and everything else that only she could do.

"Mommy, what are you doing here? And where's daddy?" I asked as I pulled myself back out of the hug so that I could see her face.

I sighed, looking down at our clasped hands as she began to explain.

"Well sweetheart, I came here because your father and I need your help."

My eyes widened and I sucked in a breath. "Why? What's going on?"

Neither my Mother or Father had never come to see me in order to keep me safe. However, we did keep in touch with the occasional phone call, letter or video chat, so I knew that something had to have been terribly wrong in order for her to come all the way here, risking not only me, but her and father so that she could ask for my help. I knew right then that this was serious and very important for her to be here.

She pulled me over to sit down next to her on the love seat as she began to explain her story and everything that had happened to cause such worry in her voice.

"About a year ago, your brother, Edward, had found his mate in a human girl named Isabella Swan. They had grown close, despite Edward's attempts to distance her, and she had figured out what we were." She began.

I knew all about all of my family members, even if they didn't know about me. Mother and Father had told me all about each one of them and even though I haven't met any of them - aside from Rosalie when she was human in Rochester before I had been assigned to Texas as a slayer - but from the way that my parents spoke of them, I already felt close to each of them.

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