The Rise of Voltron - I

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~Kerberos, Moon of Pluto~

Shiro POV:
As we climb out of our space shuttle, I crouch down and pull out a pocket knife. Carefully, I carve my little sister's name into the surface of the icy moon. (y/n) would now be forever immortalized on this moon. Once I was done, I head over to help the Holts who had come along to this moon. Samuel and Matthew 'Matt' Holt were my partners on this mission. Samuel had sort of left Katie in (y/n)'s care, in case something went wrong.

Sam always knew that (y/n) loved Katie and would watch over her as an older sister would. My family had adopted (y/n) after my mum had had a hysterectomy and couldn't have more children. But she had wanted a girl. We had gone to get a little girl and I had been drawn to (y/n), that was the main reason we had gotten (y/n). Soon, the ice extractor had been set up and we had extracted our first sample.

Matt reaches in and slips his fingers between the ice and the extractor. "Easy son, this ice is delicate." Sam reminds him as he carefully removes the sample. Matt gives an easy smile at his father's careful reminder before glancing up at me. "Amazing. Isn't this exciting Shiro?" Matt questions excitedly. I was standing and tilting the extractor, allowing Matt to remove the sample fully. I smile at the two.

"You guys get a little more excited about ice samples than I do." I admit to them cheekily. The two Holts smile as Sam makes a little comment about this being history in the making. I smirk, thinking about how (y/n) would have reacted to that. She would have made a joke about how history would choke on such fabulous men. She would have said it flirtatiously and without any hesitation in her voice. That was something I just loved about her.

Then, there was the nickname. Kashi, she loved calling me Kashi. "Not only have we traveled farther than any human ever has, but this ice could hold microscopic clues about the existence of life outside of Earth." Sam marvels at the sample. I could hear (y/n)'s laughter in my head as well as a comment. That if things lived outside our solar system, she would run off and join them. I chuckle slightly.

All (y/n)'s life she had been covering up the two birthmarks on her cheeks. They were a bright baby blue and shaped like a soft boomerang. She had been wearing makeup to cover them since she was 5. She had also gotten a bunch of piercings to hide the fact that she had ears that pointed and elvish. Sometimes it worked but other times she would be bullied for it. Matt's voice brought me back down to Kerberos.

"Think of it, dad. We could use those clues to become the first people to meet aliens." Matt exclaims, just loud enough to make the ice sample tremble in his fingers. Sam smiles as he looks softly at the ice sample. "My life's work would be complete." Sam says wistfully. That was when it began. Slowly and softly at first, starting with the sample trembling of its own accord. Then, it grew to be a heavy shaking and trembling, much like an earthquake.

Sam looks about as the quake gets worse. "What is that? Seismic activity?" Sam questions confused as he looks around. I nod. "We should get back to the ship." I advise the Holts. Matt had managed to get the ice out all the way and he holds it close to his body. That was when the shadow appeared. "What is that?" Sam exclaims as we all look up at the massive black, purple, and gray ship that started looming over us.

I grab both men by their elbows. "Run! Come on, run!" I shout at them as I pull them along with me. I could hear (y/n) shouting in my head to not stop. It spurred me on even further and I could tell that both men had the same idea. Someone back home making them run harder, faster, further. I heard something fire behind us and I scream as my feet left the ground. I can hear Sam and Matt scream behind me as a piece of ice collides with my head.

I come to hearing muffled voices and seeing vague shapes. I had a concussion for sure and I could feel (y/n)'s disapproval pulling at the back of my mind. That is what brought me completely back to my reality. The reality being that I was trapped on what I can assume is an alien ship. "Emperor Zarkon, we were scouting System X-9-Y as ordered when we found these primitive scientists." A deep voice instructs someone who he referred to as 'Emperor Zarkon'.

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