The Rise of Voltron - II

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Shiro POV:
The five of us land in a small pond that was under the tunnel we fell through. We all got up as the almost ethereal-looking figure of (y/n) floats down and lands on the water. We all look up as Lance gasps, looking up at a blue lion. (y/n) glides across the water to dry land and stops in front of the lion's bubble. "Is this it? Is this the Voltron?" Pidge asks aloud. (y/n) turned to us with sightless eyes. She moves toward us, her hand reaching out to us.

Keith ignored her and walked past to go to the lion. "You can't get in." (y/n) admits to Keith before looking at Lance again. "She calls out for you, Paladin." (y/n) says to Lance before going to the lion and moving through the shield. She turned and stood, as though she was waiting for something. Keith presses his fingers against the shield and pushes. "Maybe we just have to knock." Lance suggests before rapping his knuckles against the shield.

The shield began to glow brightly as the lion's eyes flash. The base that the Lion was resting on began to glow blue. Once the base died down, (y/n) collapsed. Keith sprinted over to her and lifted her into his arms. Her eyes fluttered open and he gave her a moment before returning her to her feet. The Lion leaned down and opened its jaw. We all watch as Lance wanders into the lion and I rush to (y/n)'s side.

"Are you ok?" I ask her and she nods, eyes drooping slightly as she leans towards me. Almost as though it was a tired reflex. I lean down and tuck one of my arms underneath her knees and one behind her back. I lift her carefully, and she was lighter than anything. We all follow Lance in, only to find him in the driver's seat, surrounded by lit-up tech. I found a safe spot to put (y/n) before heading to the cock pit where I found the others.

(y/n) POV:
I came too, hearing the sound of all of my friends talking. I knew what I was and that I needed to be here for them. I "Ok guys, I feel the need to point out, just so we're all aware. We are inside some kind of futuristic cat head right now." Hunk states. As he did so, I pressed my hand to the floor. My gift spreads through the lion, reaching Lance. I spoke to him mentally with him before reaching the control board with my magic.

Altea. That was the first thing my mind thought of as a safe place. To Altea to find a trio of people. Alfor, Allura and Coran. I needed to find them. The Blue Lion roars loudly before we take off to the sound of Hunk and Pidge's screams. I smile as I lean back against the wall of the lion and close my eyes. I found some sort of buckle that I used to strap myself down. Once that was done I lean back and close my eyes again.

I smile to myself as I hear Pidgee and Hunk still screaming. "You are the worst pilot ever!" I hear Keith yell at Lance as I smile. It would be better if they just thought I was asleep. Now, I was grateful that I was strapped down as we landed and the screaming kept going on. I felt something that wasn't of earth or Altea, so I whispered to the lion to take off towards space and the alien ship.

"I just said it's on autopilot. It says that there's an alien ship approaching Earth." I hear Lance tell the others and I smile as the lion takes off again. I dozed off for a little but come back when I hear Hunk suggest we give the blue lion to them. "You don't understand." I hear Kashi interrupt Hunk as he tries to continue on the suggestion that we should give up the lion. I look down to see my red starting to glow faintly.

"These monsters spread like a plague throughout the galaxy, destroying everything in their path. There's no bargaining with them, they won't stop until everything is dead." I hear Kashi tell them. I press my hands together. I felt as though I knew who he was talking about. Though, I couldn't place the name of these creatures that must have hurt Kashi in some way shape, or form. This seems to have caused Hunk to back peddle though.

I cry out as the metal of my red ring burns and throbs. I look down at it, seeing it glow a vivid and bright red. I pull it off before shoving it into my zipper pocket inside my Sky blue jacket. The red lion must be close and until it wasn't the ring was going to burn me. It would burn me until Keith connected with his lion. I was once again glad I was buckled in as we started dodging the rays that were being fired at us.

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