The Rise of Voltron - III

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As I was the only person who knew where these Lions were located, I was the one to open the wormholes to allow Katie, Kashi, Lance, and Hunk through to find the Yellow and Green Lions. I let out a soft breath and I glance over at Keith. We needed these lions to form Voltron and have a fighting chance at the Galra. Coran had already put the coordinates into the pod to find the green lion and the Blue loin seemed to know where he was going.

With another soft crack of my knuckles, I press my hands to the pads either side of me. As I opened the portals, I was curious. Allura was stunning with beautiful hair and all of my memories of my 'father' Alfor, had him with white hair as well, so it must be my Galra side. "I can only keep the wormholes that lead to the other lions open for two Earth hours, so you'll need to be quick." I tell them through a communicator.

Apparently, according to Coran, if they were to get stuck there forever, the planets would be peaceful and would be a comfortable place to live out the rest of their lives. As the two pairs started complaining, they were sucked into the wormholes I had created. I stood there, carefully, not moving. My eyes were moving beneath my lids though. Searching for the exact location of the red lion. But I was not successful.

Two arms wrap around my waist, allowing me to lean into Keith's embrace a little. "At least all those years of bullying were for naught." I whisper as I look about the castle. I hadn't opened my eyes and I knew Keith wasn't expecting me too. We did this for hours back on earth. I would cook dinner or breakfast and he would just hold me as I cooked. It was just a little thing he did to remind me that no matter what, he loved me.

And that was all I needed. Keith, Katie and Kashi's love. My arms tremble a little and Keith's gloved hands rest in the middle of my forearms. My body rested in his and my eyes flit open for a second to see Allura and Coran watching myself and Keith. "I'm worried about Pidge." I admit to Keith. "He over-thinks a lot." I murmur again before closing my eyes and going silent again. That was when I jolted.

"Pidge got the green lion." I say joyously before another jolt shocked my body. Hunk got his lion too. "Hunk got the Yellow lion." I speak again. I refocus and open the portals. Coran contacts them as Keith lets me go again. My arms begin quaking again. "Paladins, please hurry. I can't hold the wormholes open much longer." I begged them as my legs too started to grow tired. This day had been rough and it was affecting me too much.

I felt it as two lions entered through the same wormhole that Lance and Hunk had entered. The Blue and Yellow lions. When Katie and Kashi had walked through the door, my arms had moved to wrap around them, knowing Lance and Hunk had made it through the portal. But I was too weak to make it all the way and collapsed. Kashi had caught me before lifting me into his arms and placing me on a chair nearby as Lance and Hunk walked through the door.

Both looked tired and Lance was rubbing his back. "You made it." I sigh in relief as both boys groan loudly. "Yeah, just barely. It was a nightmare." Lance complained and I gave him a look of sympathy. I zone out for a moment. I just wanted to sleep and I could feel my energy draining away. I jump as Keith places his hand on my shoulder softly on my shoulder. I give a quick apology before Kashi repeats his question.

"Did you find the Red lion yet?" He questions me softly. I nod as I go to stand. My legs almost gave way and Keith stabilizes me so that I can move over the others. "Yes, but there is good news and bad news." I sigh a little. Both Allura and Coran perk up a little with the other paladins. No one had known that I had 'located' and located the lion. "The good news is that it's close by. The bad news is that it's on a Galra ship that has begun orbiting Arus." I explain to them.

Arus was this planet, and we lacked defenses. As they started arguing a little the screen behind us flickered until a figure appeared on it. He would look almost cute if he didn't have bulking muscles and one eye replaced with a cybernetic one. But he was fuzzy and purple. I wondered if I would look like that if I was to become a Galra version of myself. "Princesses Allura and (y/n), this is Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire." I says.

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