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OK so FYI this is going to have a lot of gore and sad stuff so if you no likey, then you shouldn't stayey. I wanted this to be near the time Leatherhead went through the portal in like the first season of the show. The ages will also be a bit different with the oldest brothers only a couple months apart but Mikey is distinctly younger by a year here are the years.





The story line is a bit weird but I think easy enough to follow. Plus Mikey is a good cook in this version Enjoy!

Mikey POV

"I have to go to Mikey. Thank you for being my first and only friend." Leatherhead where are you going? Don't leave me. I'm so happy you are my friend, please don't go! "You have to give up on me now. It's because you are too weak. Just good for a laugh, make sure you give a good one. Because no one needs a loser like you." Leatherhead gave me a big smile as he stepped into the portal. I tried screaming but nothing was coming out of my mouth. I wanted to reach for him but I can't run fast enough. Leatherhead! LEATHERHEAD!

"This is ALL your fault."

I woke up in a cod swear gasping for breath. It's been like a week of these nightmares. Looking at the clock it was 5 AM, I usually wake up at 7 Am and I am the first I plopped back onto my bed knowing too well I wouldn't be able to sleep. It should've been me. It should've been me.

An hour later I decided I can't sit here anymore so I walked out to prepare breakfast and clean last night's dishes. Our family ate a lot so the plates usually are stacked high. It took me 30 minutes to clean and now I have to prepare the food. Since we do live in the sewers I have to 'buy' food when the owner isn't looking. Or I usually wait outside this one restaurant that always throws away it's food whether fresh to not so I always could get fresh fruits veggies and sometimes meats. It took me a while but I learned how to cook. Papa could only cook simple or Japanese meals so I took it upon myself to learn how to cook via the internet and now the cookbook April got me. I have to stay away from soups though it reminds me too much of Leatherhead. He always loved my cooking even if I messed up a lot of times.

Soon enough, Sensei came in. Before even Leo wakes up Sensei or me wake up first. He must've meditated with the calm look in his eyes. "Good morning my son." I smiled and gave him a quick hug. "Good Morning Papa. Would you like green or black tea this morning." I looked in the corner of my eye to see a smile grow on his face. He had a tough time not only showing affection but he received little of it physically so I made sure he knew how much we cared by touching him whenever I get the chance.

"Black, please." He said contemptly. I had already started to boil the water now I started to crush the tea leaves and throw it into the boiling water. I looked in the fridge and took out a carton of eggs. I took out the frying pan and buttered it up while I finished up Sensei's tea. I put it off to the side for it to cool down. I know Leo will be up soon so I'll start making his too. Each of my family has a certain way they like eggs. For Sensei he will eat them boiled. Leo likes omelets. Raph likes them poached. Donnie likes them scrambled. And I like them sunny side up. I always made sure to sneak a few veggies in there too. I threw eggs into the already boiling water as I cracked three eggs into the pan. I could already hear Leo getting up. I took out my trusty kitchen knife and quickly cut up some tomatoes and green peppers for his omelet. I also cut up a bowl of fruit for them. In minutes the tea has cooled down and the boiled eggs were ready for Sensei. In seconds I presented Sensei with a healthy breakfast to my pleasure Sensei seemed happy with it. Even if I had some trouble with taking the egg shells off.

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