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Okay here's a little drizzle of tea for y'all.

So there's this page on Instagram that has all this news on Chris and Ammika's 'Baby' and they're apparently getting it from somebody that Nia knows.

On the 17th the page posted that Ammika was giving birth on the 20th, I checked to make sure the caption wasn't edited and it was and supposedly she did give birth on the 20th. They said that she had a c-section, I'll wait to see that for myself. I had a section so sis should definitely be chilling right now.

Ammika also stalks this page, they've caught her watching their stories and everything. Soooooo

And the page also claims that the babies name is Eiko or Echo some shit like, now they said that Nia is telling all of this and whoever she's telling it to, is telling the person that owns this page. And Nia is mad about the baby but only because she feels he's going to take the attention from Royalty, and you know all of royalty's endorsements is how she gets paid.

The same thing will happen with Ammika too.

A lot of people still don't believe she had a baby. I mean there was a looooot of shit to show that she wasn't so 🤷🏽‍♀️

Jus wanted to spill a little tea on y'all.

I'm about finish writing, BYE!

The page is breezykknewz btw

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