4. The Auction

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I was walking to the stage, while silently cursing at both mom and dad. The lights were blinding me, I wonder how the little old lady beside me could keep on introducing me to the crowd. She was offering a dinner date with my companion in return to their donation.

I was squinting my eyes, then finally adjust to the lights minutes later. Then I started scanning the room as the woman keep on reading from her list, she was mentioning my education, background and my achievements.

Wait...where did she get all of this from?

I look at my mom and dad back at our table, as they look at me proudly while my list was being read.


Then my eyes sauntered to the other side of the room. No...can't be him...

But he was smirking at me, the hunk hockey player, the I've seen his naked ass hunk hokey player was looking straight at me. Then he was raising his hand to bid for me, I didn't even notice that she had open the bid already.

Holy fuck! my girls is going to get wild when I mention this.

"One thousand dollars from the one of our champion athlete to start the bid, one thousand and one hundred dollars....five thousand dollars..."

"Five thousand five hundred dollars...six thousand..." she stated as she nodded to the older gentlemen on the corner table.

Ewww what the fudge...

The highest bid before me went as high as twenty thousand dollars, shit this could take awhile.

Wow...really woman! So sure of yourself huh?

I was getting bored standing on the stage, until I saw him standing up and leave?

Yeah he must be bored too, raising his hands too many times already. Mom and dad were even looking his way, then they looked at me grinning.

I rolled my eyes at them and try to look presentable, while I was actually looking forward to go back and sleep in my bed. Even the hockey hunk was making me bored.

Maybe it's lack of wine...or maybe because ate too much...need to go to the bar after this...

"Fifty grand!" his voice was loud and clear, waking me up from my day dream and looking straight at him. Mom and dad were shocked, obviously didn't think I would get auctioned for that much. The crowd were buzzing with excitement, my name will surely be the hottest topic at their morning tea gathering.

"Fifty grand going once...going twice...closed! thank you to Mr. Darryl Reed for being the highest donor for this evening. You can come to the stage and claim your date for tonight. And with that last bid ladies and gentlemen, we will close tonight's charity event..." She was still closing the event, when Darryl was walking up to the stage.

His strides were long and manly he was smiling wide at me, I was enjoying the view and smiling back at him. He reached my side, and put his hand on my waist.

"You didn't call..." he said accusing me. His other hand cupped my cheek then he lowered his face down to me and kiss me deeply, my arms were snaking up his chest and I open my mouth, while we kiss in front of the hundred something charity guests.

Then there were whistles, and cheering making me peeled myself off of him. The woman cough from her podium, as to remind us of our surroundings. Then I grabbed his hand and walk to her, and said bravely on the podium.

"Thank you everyone for the lovely evening, mom... dad, this is Darryl, I forgot to call him because I was coming to see you guys. So thank you for getting him to me." I thanked the lady, and get off the stage with Darryl close behind me.

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