We all laugh but Scarlett studies the crowd a little, squeezing my hand.

"Let them watch, you're the one I want up there." I whisper softly in her ear.

She nods with a reassuring grin before Stella pulls her away for an Alabama girlfriends picture.

There're 10 kids signing from my school. Ironically, James signs first for baseball and I go last.

Coach Edwards clears his throat as my family sits at the table, Ronnie perched on my knee to keep my leg from rattling.

"When I took notice of the new student standing in the office last year, I had no idea who he would become." He starts, clearing his throat. "I could tell he was a hot head who had previously gotten into trouble. I saw someone who needed an outlet."

My mind flashes back to that day, remembering how angry I was with mom for agreeing for me to play. What would've happened if she didn't do that for me?

"That kid ended up being the best QB this school has ever seen. He won us a state championship, but he did something more important. He became a leader that his teammates look up to on and off the field. His grades, his friends, his life. Every aspect of Ashton McClain radiates effort and raw goodness."

My eyes sting, surprised by how genuine this little introduction is. All coach does is yell at us, but I wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't for him. He's the one who pushed me to go for my dreams.

"Son, you're gonna leave a gap in our team that will be hard to fill because you are a leader. I thank you for all you've done for this team and I wish you the best of luck in your career at The University of Alabama and beyond."

My fingers shake as I sign the paper. Remembering everything I've gone through that's led to this moment as I set the crimson hat on my head.

This is my future.


"Are you sure you can't go?" I beg Scarlett after our win Friday night.

We're two games away from another state championship but right now I'm more nervous about my visit.

"This is your visit." She protests, her breath clouding between us.

"And I want you there." I whine, wrapping my arms around her.

"Ashton, enough." She tries to cut in as we kiss. "What has gotten into you?"

"Nothing." I offer, "I'm just scared."

"Why are you scared?" She asks, trailing her thumb across my cheek.

"Because this is a big deal and I need you to keep me calm." She's like my own emotional support person, there has to be some paperwork I could fill out.

My anxiety has been horrible since the start of the school year, the ticking clock on my high school life echoing in my mind.

It's stressing me out.

"This is for you to meet the team. You don't want to be known as the guy with the clingy girlfriend."

"I'd kick their ass if they said that."

She cracks a smile, "No ass kicking. You're there to make friends and have fun."

Kicking ass is never a bad idea.

"You are my fun." Let me enjoy you until I'm gone.

Brown eyes study me as arms wrap around my neck, "Charming, you need to go be a big boy for the weekend. No coddling."

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