Phase X One X Start!

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Phase X One X Start!

Most people were walking at first, leaving you to just breeze by them. Seeing no point in using your Nen anymore, the fire stopped and you were just sliding around in your roller skates.

"I shall lead you to the exam's second phase!" Satotz called out.

"What about the first?!" A guy in the front called.

"It has already commenced." Replied Satotz.

Murmuring and whispering could be heard as Satotz started speaking again, "This is the exam's first phase. "

"Follow you? That's it?" Called the same ninja-guy from earlier.

"Yes. I cannot tell you where or when you will arrive however." You sweatdropped. You were so glad you had 'rocket-boots'

People started running, that made no difference to you, as long as you kept at the place you were at, there should be no huge reason to use up your aura.

Mental strength. Physical endurance. You grinned, this exam was going to be a breeze!


Two hours have already passed, you were not even sweated. Well, not surprising, you trained yourself to have high heat tolerance after all. It's at least been 30 km from the start. A lot of applicants already gave up.

I heard some old man yelling at Killua for riding a skateboard and decided to go back and take a look.

"Hey! Wait up, kid!" He yelled, "you should show the Hunter Exam some respect!" Killua looked confused.

"What do you mean?"

The old man then noticed your presence, "Hey! You too, girl!" He raised his fist up high in anger. "You're using a skateboard and roller skates! That's cheating!"

"Why?" You and Killua answered simultaneously.

"Why?!" He looked like he was going to blow up. "This is an endurance test!"

"It's not cheating," a voice called out from behind, you looked back and saw a boy clad in green and really spiky hair. 'How much hair gel does he use?' You thought.

"Gon, what are you saying!" Old man complained.

"The examiner only told us to follow him."

"Whose said are you on?!" The older man wailed, you muttered a low 'us'.

Killua skated backwards toward Gon and you followed suit. "Hey, how old are you?" Killua asked.

"I'm 12 years old." Gon replied. You wanted to reply too, but decided against it since Killua did not seem to be interested in you. Men and their stupid gender standards. If I was a boy, would I have been forced into crime?

Killua suddenly did a flip with his skateboard and caught it, catching you off guard, causing you to stumble a bit. Killua's hand shot out to grab your arm and pulled you up.

"Pay attention." He said emotionlessly.

You simply nodded.

"Guess I'll run too." He said.

Gon ran to be in line with Killua, "Wow! That was cool!"

"I'm Killua."

"My name is Gon."

Gon tilted his head towards you and you sighed, "Name's (Y/N)."

"Hey, why don't you run too?" Killua raised his eyebrow at me.

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