Chapter Eight- Lost and Found, Strangeness all around

Start from the beginning


        "Just a moment, Sebastian," Archer stooped down to examine an object, reflecting silvery-white in the moonlight. 

        "What is it?" Sebastian asked, genuinely curious but not enough to get down from his perch.

        "I'm... not sure," Archer said quietly, a sense of foreboding within her as she picked up the object to look at it. As though she thought better of it, she tucked said object into her pocket and hopped into the carriage without another word. 

        "Miss. Archer, what did you find?" Sebastian asked, flicking the reins to start the horse's forward.

        "I am not sure," Archer repeated, putting her hand in her pocket to run her thumb over the object. Whatever it was, it was smooth to the touch and cold, obviously some sort of carved stone from the little indentations along it. Sebastian did not press the girl anymore, and the rest of the ride back was quiet other than Archer's own thoughts and the soft, rhythmic breathing of Ciel.


        "Human curiosity is both the curse and boon of god," I mused quietly, taking the object and trying, to no avail, to make out what it was in the darkness. After squinting my eyes until it hurt, I gave up, putting whatever it was back in my pocket. "Oh well, guess I'll just wait until I have better lighting." I mumbled, not realizing how tired the fight with the shinigami's had made me. "Hmm... Running along rooftops, snatching shinigami's glasses off their heads in the fog, meeting a shadow... thing. Quite an eventful day." I thought, my eyes threatening to shut.

        For a while, I stubbornly stayed awake, but, eventually, my bodily instincts overpowered discipline and sheer will, and my eyes cemented shut, dragging me into a dreamless sleep. 


        I awoke just as the carriage rolled to a stop, Ciel awakening as Sebastian opened the door. Being the closest to the door, slid out and, I ignored Sebastian's outsrtetched hand and jumped down from the carriage, landing elegantly on one foot.

     "My appologies if I took so long in returning, I was... delayed," I turned to Ciel, making a flourishing bow as I did so. 

        "It's fine," Ciel replied flippantly, getting down from the carriage as well, "Just come to my study in thirty minutes or so, I want to talk to you." 

        "Hai," I replied, walking around the back of the manor through the kitchen doors, where Bard was, unsurprisingly, attempting to cook something with a flamethrower.

        "Bard. Flamethrower. Now." Eyes flashing a threatening blue, sparkling with the promise of what would happen if he didn't comply, I stared down my fellow American. With a great sigh, Bard handed me the flamethrower, which I promptly whisked away, taking it apart and hiding all the pieces in various cupboards. After that, I went off to my room, narrowly dodging Mei-rin going by on a teacart and Finny running down the hall trying to catch her. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips, but I quickly wiped it away. "Think of dead puppies," I thought grimly, which, due to the morbid and grotesque imagination that was the standard American teenager's, I quickly stopped smiling and my face was expressionless and icy, like usual. Without another thought of smiling or anything of the sort, I quickly hurried to my room to change.

        "This place is making me soft, I should probably leave soon," I commented, more to myself rather than Yuki, but it apparently gave her  incentive to reply.

        "Why? If you like it here you could just stay," Yuki stated, pawing the ribbon off of her tails so they could flow freely. 

        "It's complicated, Yuki," Sighing, I slipped into a fresh dress and carefully swabbed the little dots of blood that'd gotten on my roses. The hat, with numerous smudges of dirt and pollen, I could care less about. It was just another reminder that I owed the Earl, but I had to admit, it was convenient for holding them. "Well, in all I technicalities I just owe him for giving me a place to stay and the other basic necessities of life." I thought logically, slipping the object from the pocket in my other dress to the one I currently wore, deciding to look at it later. Even though I didn't want to admit it, he'd also saved me from the shinigamis my first night here.... "Gah!" I scoffed under my breath, reaffixing the roses back onto my hat and holding my arm out to Yuki like a falconeer with his bird. She jumped up onto it, walking along my arm like a person across the tightrope at a circus, and curled around my neck, falling asleep immediately. Yawning, I made my way to Ciel's study.

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