Chapter 12

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Amelia Aleman

My heart breaks as I see my daughter calling to help, and I just stand there, unable to help her, unable to give her what she so desperately needs.

    Brooklyn looks to her right and I follow her eyes, finding my tail and scary husband standing in the hall. He growls, walking into the room. he roughly grabs my daughter's arm.

    "You will not talk to your mother that way" He roars and just like I always did, I freeze with fear, unable to jump in the way of his anger.

    "Dad!" She exclaims to him, tell him that he's hurting her. But like always he doesn't stop. For the first time she begins to yell at him. "Well, it your wife isn't going to say anything then I'm going to- If you touch my baby sister ever again I'm going to take your ass to court, and I'm taking you wife to court as an accomplice" She yells and I bite my lip, watching him hurt our child.

    "Shut up!" He exclaims, throwing her on the floor.

    "You're going to rot in jail for hurting her!" She yells back to him, I clench my jaw watching as he punches her, I continue to watch as he punches and punches and punches.

    "Brent!" I call, hoping he'd stop, hoping he'd attack me instead of her, hoping anything. I dial the police, and drop the phone on the couch as I run to fight Brent to stop. He pushes me off of him, falling back, I hit my head on the table, and everything goes black.

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