Chapter 8

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Evelyn Aleman

I absolutely hate when Brooklyn gets beat. Because it meant on top of her being tortured, that our father was on step closer to laying his hands on me.

    I'd hear her screams, asking for help, or just from pain. And I'd often have to stare at the ceiling chanting a dumb poem I'd heard a long time ago, saying, "The grass is green, roses are red, and the sky is blue" Living in so much grey area, it was nice to see things in black and white for awhile. When it gets too loud to ignore, I cut out the beginning, chanting "The sky is blue, the sky is blue, the sky is blue" over and over.

    I lay quietly in y bed the next night, clenching my eyes shut, laying in a tight ball under the thick blankets, as I hear Brooklyn's screams as he yells and beats her. I clench my eyebrows so firmly, a tear comes out, running across the bridge of my nose and to the fluffy pink pillow I'd laid my head on.

    Boom, goes a loud crash of Alana's books on the desk beside me. I flinch, hearing Brooklyn's screams.

    "Good Monday morning" Alana greets, obviously not having seen my reaction.

    "Is it?" I ask, and she smiles. She knows I'm not much of a morning person. Or well, much of an anything person. but even though I'm not much of an anything person, Alana still managed to make me laugh, she was so carefree and goofy. iIt's honestly refreshing. "Do you ever get tired of being so awake and cheerful every morning" I ask Alana and she looks to be thinking a moment.

    "No" She answers, with a smile, shoving a muffin in my face. I smile, and she brightens. 'There's my girl, yes, food" She says and I laugh, eating the bottom of the muffin before the top. I always saved the best for last.

    "What are you two up to this monday morning?" jackson asks, grabbing a piece of my muffin. I slap his hand.

    "Paws off"

    "Hey, don't couples share?" he asks, smiling as he leans in to kiss me.

    "Babe" I warn, moving away from him.

    "Why is it that you can't date again?" he asks, and Alana just rolls her eyes as she sips her coffee, Jackson asked that same question at least once a month.

    "My parents are very strict, and protective, and Brooklyn would freak" I tell him.

    "Your parents don't come to school and Brooklyn doesn't come to this part for the school"

    "Jack" I call him Jack occasionally, just when I wanted him to stop talking.

    "Fine" He says, standing. "I'll see you in english" he tells me and I nod.

    "He's especially PMS-y this morning" Alana says, making me grin a little as I watch him go. And as he walks, pissed off, I can't help but look at his amazing features; brown disheveled hair usually tamed near the ears by his glass, broads shoulders- showing even under his tight plain green shirt, fit butt- covered by dark blue jeans, and his usually black nikes. "I am still amazed you can still check him out, having hated him so long" She says with a huff, and I shush her like usual.

    "Keep it quiet" i say, making her sigh.

    "Everyone already assumes-" She defends.

    "Not Brooklyn"

    "I doubt she cares, she had Grey's tongue down her throat last night" She says, half interested and I scrub my eyebrows, looking at her fully.

    "I'm sorry, what?"

    Walking up to Brooklyn's spot in the main hall, standing with Grey and Hope. And even though Bridget was missing, none of them seemed to care, they laughed like usual.

    "Hey, what are you doing here?" Brooklyn asks me, half smile still on her face. Being extra layer of makeup on her face made me back off a little, not many would notice, but i could.

    "Side bar?" I ask, grabbing her elbow to pull her to the side.

    "You know I don't like being touched" Brooklyn says in a hushed tone.

    "That's not what I heard" I count and she scrunches her eyebrows.

    "Excuse me?"

    "Alana said she was you and Grey last night, in the kitchen" I clarify and she blushes.

    "I hadn't planned that"

    "Well, that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Just, be more careful Brooklyn, if you anna date him, fine, but be a little more discreet." She raises an eyebrow.

    "Said as if you know from experience." She says, and I swallow, not enjoying having to lie.

    "Just take the advice" I tell her before walking away.

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