Chapter 2

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Grey Buckley

I yawn, blinking the sleep away as I smell the strong aroma of mom's homemade donuts and bacon. I hear the familiar stampede of my younger siblings fighting their way to the breakfast table. Hope and I don't run downstairs fighting anymore because we know mom will save a plate for both of us.

    There are 5 of us kids in total. In order it went me, Hope (just one year younger but in the same grade), and the triplets around 15 years old. Keegan- oldest of the three, with Orson following behind by just 1 minute, but Alana was last by far- 20 minutes later.

    I smile at Hope as she walks up to my room, way after the triplets like she did every morning before school. She smiles, leaning in the doorway.

    "You aren't even ready yet" She scolds me, like usual. I shrug.

    "It doesn't take much for me" i answer and she scoffs.

    "Don't you want to keep your girlfriend?" She asks making me think of Bridget. Ah, Bridget. I smile just at the mention of her. She was my rather recent girlfriend- we only just became official because her friends told her she had to. She is, in lots of ways, the stereotypical popular girl. Super skinny, blonde, and kinda dumb, but at least she was sweet. I originally was drawn near her because I liked her friend Brooklyn Aleman, but that girl was the type of girl who didn't really bother with relationships. Brooklyn though, she had amazing curves, a great smile, character beyond explanation, and she was so kind and smart, but she was quiet and liked to play dumb. I shrug again, realizing I hadn't responded to my sister's question.

    "Are you picking up Bridget today?" She asks, and i shake my head.

    "She has a dentist appointment" I explain.

    "So, she won't be showing up at all?" Hope laughs, knowing full well that when Bridget went to the dentist and got her mouth numbed she thought her face got swollen and refused to let anyone see her for the rest of the day.

    "The point is that I can take you today" I warn her. Hope was popular as well, and friends with them all, but she hated them, and as far as I knew she only stayed friends with them for the parties, except for her very best friend, who so happened to be Brooklyn. It was the only reason (other than Brooklyn's) that i stayed away from her. Some type of brother code, I think.

    She nods, saying, "Then get ready, because i'm not gonna be late" i smile, pushing my blanket off of me.

    "yeah, yeah" I sigh. She looks down at my bowers.

    "I hate that you sleep in just bowers" She shivers, leaving the room.

    "Love you too, sis!" I call after her.

  *   *   *   *   *

    "Hey" I greet Brooklyn as hope and i get out of the car. She always waited fro hope before school, so to make it easier for her, i try my hardest to park in the same place.

    "Hi" She smiles back, her face being illuminated from the street light. She frowns just a second later, looking behind me.

    "Hey, handsome" i smile, feeling Bridget wrap her arms around me from behind. I turn and peck my girlfriend.

    "I thought you had a dentist appointment" I ask, confused.

    "I lied" She admits. "I got your present for tomorrow" I look at her and slowly she realizes I didn't know what tomorrow was. "Our anniversary" I open my mouth.

    "I knew that" I say and she grows red, then after a second goes back to normal color. And I stare at her, afraid, wondering if she were about to give it to me right here.

    "Of course you did" She smiles, taking my hand and we all start walking toward the school.

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