Louis chuckled. "Who's Liam? Your father?"

I gave him the look 'really?'. Of course Liam isn't my father, but I want to be loyal to him like he is to me.

"My boyfriend, asshole."

"Hey, don't call me an asshole. I'm paying for your damn lunch!" Louis playfully replied.

I giggled. "I'll think about it."

"You're going." He answered.

I frowned. "But what if I don't want to?"

He shrugged. "That's too bad."


I chose a strapless, simple black dress. Like I said, I'm being loyal and made my dress longer than my dresses from my old partying days.

Louis said he would pick me up around 9. It was 9:25.

He eventually pulled up and didn't even say sorry, so i assumed he does this often. I should probably prepare myself just incase he doesn't show up to the show.

He made small talk as he drove, and I talked about how much I didn't want to go.

"Well, what would you be doing if you weren't going?" He asked.

"Probably eating some really good ice cream and watching criminal minds." I answered, crossing my arms.

Louis chuckled, like he always does. "You need to get out more."

I rolled my eyes as I looked out the window. Maybe there's a reason why I don't go out clubbing anymore.

We hopped out of the car and Louis handed someone the keys. We were escorted in and a line of people glared at us as we walked right in. I remember waiting in lines just to get hammered.

Louis held my wrist in a loose grip, just trying to find his way through the crowd.

"Where the fuck are they?" Louis growled.

I raised an eye brow. "Who?"

Louis didn't hear my voice over the music and talking, but he just led me into the mass group of people. He looked to the left and right, and just grabbed a random girl and started dancing with her.

He glanced at me. "Dance." He commanded.

I laughed. "Do you have short term memory loss or something?" I asked.

"To answer your question: No!" Louis smiled. I nearly facepalmed.

"I'm loyal, remember? I have a boyfriend who I love with all my heart."

A man carrying a tray of shots walked by. Louis saw the chance and took it, grabbing a shot off the tray.

"Here." He yelled. "Drink this."
I took the shot and looked down at it.

The clear liquid was pretty much calling my name. I smelled the sour aroma it gave off, i craved this so badly.

I've been craving it for nearly 2 years.

I didn't know what I was thinking, but I leaned my head back and downed the drink like it was water.

My throat burned from the foreign burn, it had been so long since I've done that.

And it felt so good.

My addiction for the beverage became a habit for me again; I lost count of how many i drank but I knew it was enough to make me regret in the morning.

I wobbled on the dance floor, Louis watched me get wasted.
Louis smiled at the person behind me as they grabbed my hips and pushed their front against my backside.

Finding You ❀ h.s.Where stories live. Discover now