She ignored his thoughts and focus on the ring in her hand.

If Marley would not be in the room,
Then I'll check the ring.

Fayth was at the door,
And for her surprise, the door was slightly open.

She opened it.
When Fayth entered the room,
Marley didn't notice her because her back was toward fayth.

Fayth noticed that, Marley was intensely talking to someone.

Fayth's intention was not to eavesdrop Marley's conversation but,
Marley was literally screaming.
So she couldn't help but listen.

Marley couldn't help but feel Anger on her dad's words.

How could he do this to me?
She thought.

Her dad's voice cut her thoughts,
As he says,

"Look, girl, we are not giving you any choice, You have to come here., You like it or not.
It's not our problem.
This is the least you can do for us.
You are already a stain on the family."
Her dad's voice was angry and annoyed.

She didn't want to,
But once again it hurts her.
The words.

"Dad, please try to understand me,
I can't marry your business friend's son.
I don't even know him. And this is so sudden!
I am not an object, from which you want to make a profit.
I'm not a business deal you want to achieve.
I'm your daughter" Marley fought her tears back,

"I'll not come for dinner and this is my last. . ."
Before she can complete her sentence,
His father cut the phone.

This is how it always ends.
With him cutting her phone.

Of course I'm the stain in our family.

The first tear left from her right eyes,
Came to her chin and then,
There was no break.

Fayth stood at the back, Awkwardly. Not knowing what to do? Should she leave?

I should.

but as she tries to turn back, Her back hits the drawer, knocking out the small clock, which made enough noise for Marley to hear.

Startled, Marley turned her back toward the voice, And there, In front of her was her was none other than her roommate. Fayth.

They both frozen, looked at each other.

Fayth didn't know what to feel or what to do?
The girl in front of her,
who was always so cheerful has kept herself so hidden.,
Behind the smile.

Fayth looked into her teary blue coloured eyes.
How come I didn't notice the sadness behind them.

Marley stand up and started to wipe her tears with the back of her hand.
Then she said.,

"Oh, hey fayth., You know I have allergies to...."
But she was cut off...

by an overwhelmed hug by fayth.

Fayth still didn't know what to do,
But she did what she had done.,
If violet was here instead of Marley.

Hug is best for these situation.

Fayth tightened her grip and said,
"It's okay, I know and I'm here"

And then as a triggered which was pulled,

Marley started to cry.
Put also her arms around fayth like her life was depending on it.

"I am not enough....for them, I'm useless,
No matter... what I do, I'm always...stain."
Marley said between her cries.

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