Meilani had never been more nervous in her entire life and she had to go through being a werewolf with no knowledge on how to handle it. However, seeing her spastic boyfriend run around the field like a chicken without a head was quite nerve wracking. She didn't know who's heart beat louder in ears - hers or Scott's. Both twins sat with their elbows on their knees and their hands clasped together, chewing on their thumbnails anxiously.

"Sit down, McCall," Coach ordered, pushing Meilani's shoulder when she tried to get up off the bench.

"Come on, Coach! We're dying out there," Meilani complained, gesturing to the chaos that was on the field. Not even Jackson could save the team from this. If Meilani was out there, she could at least assist in getting the team back up there on the scoreboard so it wasn't just Jackson.

"Oh, I'm aware of that. Now sit," Coach replied and pointed to Scott. "Lesser McCall, make sure your clone stays."

Meilani pouted as Coach walked away from the two to go back to coaching the team. "Stay? What am I? A dog?"



Scott chuckled when Meilani punched his shoulder for his comment, rubbing the sore part that Meilani hit. "Don't use your werewolf strength against me!"

Meilani opened her mouth to rebut back, but Isaac dropped down onto the bench between the two siblings. She froze in shock at the sight of the blue eyed werewolf since just hours ago he said he was going to run away with Boyd and Erica. "Isaac, you came to help."

Isaac smiled at Meilani, strapping his gloves onto his hands and grabbing his stick. "I came to win." His eyes flickered over to Gerard who stood to the side of the bleachers and quickly looked away when Gerard turned to glance over at the two werewolves. "You got a plan yet?"

"No, right now it's pretty much just keep Jackson from killing anyone," Meilani replied, sighing softly. "I don't know what else to do at this point."

"Well, that might be easier if you're actually in the game. We have to make it so Coach has no choice but to put you in," Scott chimed in.

"How do we do that? He has a bunch full of guys he can use before he even gets to me. He'd even put you in before me and you can only for so long before you wheeze and get out of breath."

Isaac's face morphed into a smirk and he winked at Meilani. "I think I have an idea."

Meilani glanced to Isaac and saw the mischievous glint to his eyes and she quickly caught on to what Isaac planned to do to the other players on the field. "Please don't put anyone in the hospital."

Isaac placed his helmet on his head and pushed off the bench. "I'll try."

"This isn't going to end well," Meilani groaned and hid her face in her hands, peeking out through her fingers.

Isaac took out three kids in the course of ten minutes and Coach sounded progressively more and more pissed off with Isaac that he took his own teammates. Scott faked not being able to play because his asthma was acting up, even going so far as to use his asthma pump twice for added measure. So, Coach had to put the three other players that never saw a game because they quite literally could not play lacrosse. Meilani didn't even think these kids ever saw a game of lacrosse before coming to Beacon Hills. 

Isaac was about to take out one  more guy to get Meilani in when Jackson slammed into him and sent Isaac flying to the ground. Meilani gasped and rushed over to Isaac who laid motionless on the ground, but he was awake because she heard his groans from the bench. She dropped down next to Isaac and checked him over, but didn't see anything twisted or poking out of his skin.

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