part fourteen

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1 month later

school was different each day we went, but one thing remained the same: we stayed away from everyone.

yes, we got stares from lots of people but i, (don't know if i can say the same about boris) didn't stand around long enough to see who, or care, because no matter what we would be called faggots and other names, but as long as we stayed away from everyone we didn't get physically beat/hurt.

today felt like a normal friday. me and boris were at school, and it was lunch time. since everyone thought we were gross we literally had a whole lunch table to ourselves. boris sat down in front of me, carelessly.

"are you not eating?" i asked, noticing he had no food with him. he shook his head.

"nah. but.. question." he added


"do you like parties?" i paused time think.

"um i don't know, i've never been to one.... why." i knew what he was getting at but i still asked why to be sure.

"well, there's a party later tonight at that rich girls house.. what's her name," he started snapping his fingers "kaylee? kelsey? no, it's definitely kaylee. i was thinking we should go. i love parties! it should be fun potter!"

"umm okay. we can go since you love parties and haven't been to one in awhile." i smiled. he smiled back.

"thank you baby." he said cheerfully. he seemed really excited about it.

baby. that was the first time he used that word in our relationship. it took me a few seconds until i realized it. i didn't know how i felt when he said it, but it didn't take long for me to relax and smile at him.

"of course!" his truly happy smile was making me happy, and blush for whatever reason.

god i love him


the night finally rolled around, and i found myself at the party, with boris of course. the first thing that hit me was the smell. it wasn't too strong, but it smelled like out-of-date beer and smoke.

there was blasting music, flashing lights, drunk teenagers, and every thing else you can think of.

"boris can we just go?" i asked him, yelling over the music.

"why? we just got here, try to have fun for me! please...?"

"okay, fine." i showed him a smile, fake one, and we entered the big two story house.

there were so many people, most of some i didn't recognize. which was good. i didn't want to see anyone i knew because it probably wouldn't end well.

i felt small. sure, i'm short, but i especially felt smaller now then usual. everyone was tall, fit, and muscular. while i was short, bony, and skinny. which was okay, i guess... i just felt left out.

paying more attention, i saw more gays than straights. or people were just so drunk they were kissing the same gender. either way it made me feel better, and somewhat welcomed.

"potter, i'm going to socialize. you okay?"

"oh uh yeah, i'm fine. have fun..." and there he went, off into the mobs of people. i decided since there was nothing else to do i'd go get a beer.

after i got it i looked around for boris, just to see what he was doing. he was talking to a girl holding a beer. typical.

time skip bc i really dk what to write right here

roaming around the party after 30 minutes or so, and drinking my beer, i was beginning to get tipsy. not really drunk but tipsy. and less aware of my surroundings, causing me to bump into someone.

i was outside because it was so loud and i couldn't take the smell of beer anymore, and i didn't expect to see anyone else outside, but i guess they had the same idea to get fresh air as me.

"jesus christ i'm sorry." i said. looking up, it was a girl. she laughed a little.

"no worries, you're fine!" she said enthusiastically. this girl was short too, like me, but a little on the chubbier side. she had long brown hair and hazel brown eyes, along with a nose piercing.

her voice was so high pitched she seemed like she was too young to be here, but looks-wise she looked a year older than me. she seemed nice.

"my names scarlett. yours?" she started walking, and i followed her.

"theo. how old are you?" i didn't know what to say but i was curious.

"16. crazy, i know. everyone says i look 12." i laughed a little bit. kind of was crazy, she didn't seem 16 considering me and boris were 15, but she surely didn't seem 12.

"12?" i questioned again, "sure you seem younger than 16 but definitely not 12." she giggled a little.

"if you say so. how about you? did you come here alone?" we sat down on the concrete by the road.

"no i came here with my, um.. friend. but i'm 15."

"you seem younger than your own age yourself, theo. want another beer?"


"a beer, do you drink?" the word beer just made me think of boris. he was the reason i started drinking beer anyways.

"oh yeah i do, but no thanks, i've already had like 3." she laughed a little and stretched out her legs.

"me too, but i want to just get drunk and forget about all my problems, you know?" i nodded. i did understand what she meant.

she got up and wiped her hands on her jeans.

"i'll be back, unless you wanna come with." i turned around fully and sighed.

"yeah sure i'll go with you, it's pretty cold out here to be honest." that was a lie. it was never cold out here, even in the night. she held out her hand. i took it and helped myself up.

we began walking inside together. i felt normal, now since she was really short. she was only about two inches taller than me.

the smell of beer instantly hit me when i walked in. my instinct was to find boris. the crowd wasn't as big anymore, most people were out front taking shots and doing whatever other dumb shit there was to do.

scarlett walked over to where all the drinks were, i followed. she picked up two beers and showed one to me.

"you sure you don't want one?" she asked again.

"yeah i'm sure, thanks though..." i turned around, from hearing a familiar scream. boris screamed something in russian.

i looked around to try and find him, but i didn't see him anywhere. was that him that screamed? it had to be.

turning back around facing scarlett, she took a sip of her beer.

"wanna go back outside?" she asked when she finished (the sip, not the whole beer).

"if you want, but um i need to find my friend to make sure he's not too wasted, you can come with me and then we can go back out."

"sure." she replied. of course she said sure. the one word that boris always uses. it reminded me of him more. i just felt like he was up to no good with the amount of unlimited beer they had here.

i started walking in the direction where i heard boris yell. i looked through the spaces of people, but i only saw other people.

"what's he look like?" scarlett asked, now standing right beside me.

"tall, pale. extremely skinny. oh, and dark curly hair."

"you mean like him?" she pointed at a guy kissing another guy.

"no, no-" but taking a closer look, it looked like boris. my heart sank. i started walking closer to them.

once i got closer and a better look, i realized that it was him. it was boris, kissing another guy.

can i be close to you ~ boreoWhere stories live. Discover now