part twelve

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about three hours later we found ourselves at school. it was very scary. it felt like everyone knew, but it was impossible. just fear i guess.

"what if kotku sees us." i asked him, putting in my locker combination.

"then she sees us," he replied, arms folded and leaning against the other lockers "not like she knows."

"fair point." i opened my locker and pulled out my civics book, along with two other books for other classes.

we started walking down the hall together. i was heading to civics, boris was going to math.

"am going to miss you potter." he said, approaching the math classroom.

"you can live an hour without me. you've done it before." for someone who just got out of a relationship, he was sure flirtatious and over it.

he pouted and then entered this classroom. i smiled and kept walking ahead to my class. he was something else.


after class i was the first to leave. i headed straight to boris's math classroom. i saw him look around for me. as soon as he saw me i saw his eyes light up.

we both ran to each other, like we hadn't seen each other for six months. which is what it felt like.

"potter!" he exclaimed, giving zero fucks and hugging me.

"jesus christ it's only been like 50 minutes."

"tell me about it! such a long time!" i laughed at him.

"i cant survive six more periods!" he whined, letting go of the hug. my books were pressed against my chest.

"me neither, but we'll survive i guess." he grinned.

"okay. if you say so."


after second period when me and boris reunited, he took my hand and we rushed behind lockers.

"boris, what are you doing?" i asked. he looked around.

"no one is here. i miss your touch." my heart began racing. i had no idea what he was proposing.

"um?" boris was definitely the more bold one in the relationship, even though i've liked him longer. i found it strange.

he cupped his hands around my cheeks and our lips came together once again. out of all the times we kissed this was a more violent kiss. passionate, but not was soft. rough, i guess is the word to describe it.

after a solid few seconds we stopped. we were about to kiss again but heard a locker slam. i jumped a little, but then got caught back to reality.

"come on let's go." i said.

"really?" boris said sadly. i started walking.

"yes really, we have to go to-" i was cut off by someone grabbing the back of my shirt.

i turned my neck to see three of the most hated and mean people in the school. nick, tyler, and tom cable, the head of the group. tyler was the one who had the back of my shirt.

"well, isn't this something. two gays making out behind school lockers." he spun me around and then picked me up by the collar of my shirt.

"let him go!" boris yelled. people were watching, but no one did anything. tom stepped forward to him and cornered him to a wall. i watched boris stare at tom. he didn't seem scared, but i knew he was. tom was capable of more than anyone would expect.

"oH, bOrIs, i CanT wAiT tO gEt hOmE aNd fUcK yOu LiKe tHe gAy fAgGoT i Am!" tyler mocked. nick laughed.

i was dropped shortly after that, landing on my shoulder (SOUND FAMILIAR PEOPLE WHO KNOW ME PERSONALLY???).

boris was trying to break free from tom but he couldn't. nick and tyler crowded around me, laughing. they kicked at me, ridiculed, stepped on, everything to me. and nobody would even help.

i could hear boris screaming at them, but since the hallways were already so loud it didn't make a difference to anyone. once boris finally broke away from tom but tom just hit his head against the wall and pushed him on the floor. at that point tom spoke,

"cmon guys let's just go." his tone had no expression. tyler spit on me and they all left. boris ran over to me, and bent down beside me.

"potter?" he shook me "potter youre okay, right. potter?!" i easily sat up against the lockers. it was mainly just my rib cage that hurt.

the hallways were starting to get more and more quiet with less and less people. we were gonna be late, but at that point that was my last concern. i was so stunned i didn't know what to do.

pain, shock, confusion, the fact that they saw us and other people could have, stress, and so much more. i began getting a headache from trying to process it all.

"are you okay?" he asked, grabbing my hand after fixing my hair. i didn't say anything, or nod my head.

"we're leaving. is not safe here, let's go." he said, trying to pull me up.

"how can we leave..." i asked quietly, still processing everything/nothing.

"erm... let's just go through the back doors." i slowly got up, our hands still together.

everything was in slow motion. nothing felt real. it was like exiting the museum that day. same feeling, same everything.

to my surprise, the door opened. boris turned around and looked at me.

"can you walk?" he asked looking down at me. i nodded my head although i was unsure. as we started walking again, boris spoke:

"there's so much i need to say to you when we get home"

a/n: idk HOW they got to theo's house ig they walked but i'm not thinking or writing about it right now lmao. i'll update tomorrow :))
also woahhhh look at me go i updated twice today that's a first

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