t w e l v e

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4th March, 1957

"Arabian nights is no love story, sweet heart. I don't like bloodshed."

It was post midnight when Cassie heard muffling moans from her mother's room. She checked on her father who was fast asleep on the cot beside hers.

At first she thought of ignoring but when the sound started to get louder, she became very frightened.

Slowly, she got down from her cot and opened the door quite noiselessly. Her father was a deep sleeper so nothing could wake him up until six in the morning.

Cautiously, she stepped towards her mother's room which was dimly lit.

A few hours before there was no sound other than the lolling of crickets and the sliding of the leaves when the breeze blew past them.

There was a small hole on the door. Cassiopeia peeped through it and saw what she should never have.

Cardinal sin.


Lost love.

A young, seventeen year old Gregory was pounding euphorically inside Cassie's half naked mother with such raw passion that her mother was moaning in pleasure.

Gregory. Greg. Love.

For then first few minutes Cassie could not turn her eyes. She inhumanely stared at the sacrilegious act of her mother and her lover. Her lips parted in an emotion she could not realise.

Bile rised to her throat. Unable to control the dizziness and nauseating feeling, Cassie ran away from the sight.

To her unknown, at the middle of the night, a blooming Cassie was running like a deer on chase, through the meadows and through the apple garden.

She knew not where her legs were taking her but she was aware that it was the first time her body was doing what her heart wanted.



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