31|| The Epic Train Ride

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"They're following us," he said, straightening and moving a tiny bit faster.

Heat rose to Skye's cheeks as she realized how stupid she was being. He was pretending and using the cuddling to actually see what was going on without raising suspicions. They were in danger and all she could think about was him.

"Silly goose," she muttered to herself.

"No," Sam said. "Reckless idiot."

Before she could ask, Sam grabbed a glass from the last table and, with a gracious twist, turned and threw it in the face of their first follower. It smashed on impact and filled the man's pockmarked face with shards and blood. Then another glass zoomed towards the men. Two, three, four, and by the fifth, people in the cart were screaming and moving away enough to block the progress of the men.

Sam and Skye dashed behind the door of the restaurant cart and he slammed it closed behind them. He glanced forward and opened the door to their side, leading out. The door wailed, the wind cut into ther faces and snowflakes danced inside the small space which connected the two carts.

"What are we doing?"

Her question was answered the moment she looked towards the door leading into the adjoining sitting cart. There were men coming towards them from that direction, too.

Sam grabbed her hand and pushed her in the doorway. For one wild moment, she was sure he'd push her off the train. It was going insanely fast. Instead, he wrapped her fingers against the rung of a side ladder and tossed her out.

Biting in a scream, Skye wrapped her other hand around the rung and propped her feet on the ladder for security. Even if she knew what she had to do, the rush of adrenaline was almost paralyzing.

Get moving. She knew that if she did, it would unfreeze her and make her faster, more efficient. She forced her limbs to obey and scurried up to the roof. The roof of a speeding train.

Sam followed her up in seconds and the moment they were somewhat secure in the middle of the roof, he started searching his pockets. Snowflakes danced around them and her teeth started clattering. Even if she wore a woolen sweater, it was no match for the biting December air.

"Let's go."

He took her hand and they started an awkward run on the roof of the train. It was freezing, the wind was painful against her face, and she couldn't believe what they were doing. He suddenly stopped and she bumped into his back.

"Get down," Sam shouted over the wind.

She obeyed instantly. Two men had climbed on the roof as well. Without missing a beat, Sam pulled a gun out shot at both of them. The sound echoed around them, dancing with the wailing wind. Skye covered her ears, but her senses remained alert. There were more men climbing on the roof, coming towards them. How did they find them? The train was so long.

Sam shot two more out of sight, but stopped once the remaining two pointed their own guns at him. He raised his hands and slowly put his pistol back in the holster strapped to the back of his belt. Skye glanced behind her at the sound of clunking metal. Two more men joined them, wobbling past her as if she were nothing, and stopping behind Sam.

For a moment there was silence. Then Sam dropped something he'd been holding in his hand and threw himself at the two men in front of him. The two men behind him took their shots, but missed. Like in a nightmare, Sam and the two he'd charged toppled over the edge of the cart.

The remaining two lingered a moment before heading to see what was happening. Skye rolled on the spot and kicked at their legs. Her foot made contact with a shin and the man lost his balance and fell over the side of the train.

Lose Control (The Jewel Project #5)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz