Chapter 3

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Weekend has gone, I went to school feeling really tired and sht from playing games all night, again. Yes I know. I suck.

Walking down the halls I can hear people talking in a hushed tones but I can still hear them saying how 'horrible' I look. I just glared at them and they quickly made their way to their classes. Damn these people won't mind their own business!

I swear I'm gonna rip their brains out and-

"Hey Knox!"

"What!" I turn around glaring at the person who called my name.

Oh it's just Vivian.

"Damn woman! What's gotten in your panty?" She jokes.

Then her mouth made an 'o' realising what I must've look like and just probably assumed that I didn't get a beauty sleep. Not like I ever did.

"Leave alonee" I said sounding like dead soul floating in the hall way while Vivian is walking beside me to class.

"Hah! I can't Knox we're in the same class! Isn't that wonderful?" She laughs opening the door to our class looking for our place to sit.

Damn it's gonna be a long ass day.


Lunch time came, I'm at the cafeteria where it's full as heck with hungry students trying to buy food. Annoyed with the amount of people inside, I went straight to the door but only got bump by a guy who I haven't seen before. Well I don't really pay attention to my surroundings.

I look up to see the guy wearing glasses staring back at me but soon recovers quickly saying 'sorry' and he went inside. Woah.

What? I just don't think I've seen him before. Cute.


"Look at you! Making moves already!" Vivian excitedly said.

"Making moves? I don't do that. Plus he bumped in to me first!" I defended. Fanning myself because it got really hot around here.

It's not like that! I was just surprised? Ehem.

"Sure. Whatever makes you sleep at night Knoxy!" She laughs loudly earning a looks from people.

"Would you tone it down! I'm not interested." I said walking faster to the isolated table outside.

"Oh come on! That person might be your one and true love." She said while her eyes are sparkling.

Did her eyes really sparkles from that sht? Are you kidding me? Ugh I just want this day to end and go home to my baby. Yes gaming.

"There's no such thing as 'true love' people will just fck you over no matter how much they said they won't." I frowned. My mood already went down even more and I starting eating my lunch.

"Woah. I never expected that from you Knox. Are you okay? Did someone stole and break your heart?" She dramatically said.

Such a dramatic woman.

And yes, I too did not expect that outburst since I haven't been in a relationship before. Well more like a fling maybe? Who cares.

Throughout lunch time, Vivian just blabbered her experience with her boyfriend yesterday and to be honest I wasn't listening half of the story. Who would want that? I'm bitter asf even though fck relationships.

A couple of minutes later, the bell rang and Vivian didn't get to finish her story but will continue tomorrow. Well fck me. Should I just stay home tomorrow? Or avoid her the entire day? That would be hard. I just gave her a boring look and a vibe that says 'idontlikehearingaboutyouramazinglifewithyourboyfriend' type of thing while thinking how a lonely btch I am.

Ignoring my vibe, she just raise a thumbs up smiling really wide thats almost close to her eyes before separating our ways to go to class. Sigh, couple more hours then I'm gonna be home!


Quickly washing my plates and cleaning the sink before playing nonstop. It's really good living alone so that you have all the privacy you need but you feel really empty at the same time. I miss my place where constant screaming and joking around the house. I just missed the lively house I used to live. Nevertheless, I decided to do this and I know I won't regret it.

After drying my hands, I went to my room and open my computer to start playing games. Feeling good and full, I have a feeling I'm gonna be having win streaks throughout the night. Wahaha!

Finishing my last match, I got a friend request from a stranger. Who is this? Meh I just accepted anyways. 2 seconds later he messaged saying 'hi' and I responded a 'hello' back.

" I'm sorry if I look really weird right now but incase you didn't recognise me from last game, I was in your team and honestly you're really good."

Wow thats a long ass sentence. I m-mean he did not just say that. I assumed he's a guy! It's mostly guys who play this game anyways sooo yeah.

"Oh right. It's all coming back to me now. And thanks you were good too." I casually replied.

"Oh I'm flattered. How long have you been playing this game?"

"It's been years now how about you?"

The messages keeps on going for hours that I don't remember how it went. I woke up on my desk with my computer screen still turned on. Damn! Why is it so cold? What time did I sleep? What about the guy I was talking to last night? I stood up and tried to stretch but my head said no and starting to hurt like hell.

Sucks for me then.

Am I gonna get sick? I hope not. I look at my phone for the time and saw how late I was for period 1&2. Whatever. I'll just go for period 3&4 it's nothing major anyways. For the meantime, I'll just buy medicine for my head.

Sigh, this sht is wasting my goddamn money.

I grab my jacket and keys before heading outside in the very cold weather. Ugh.

Why is it soo cold? I hate winter! But it actually helps cooling down my computer while I'm playing. Ehe.

Oh right! I forgot about the guy I was talking last night. I can't remember anything tho I hope I did-

"Yes yes! I'll be-"


Why is it dark all of a sudden?


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