Chapter 1

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As I was walking home late from work, I looked up in the sky and wondered, what if I will never find the one? As soon as I thought of that, a chilly wind then blows lightly making me shudder in the cold night. I frowned. No way Knox. I say to myself while I continued walking. I can't help but being jealous at my best friend, Vivian having a boyfriend for almost 4 years while I'm the thirdwheeler in the group.

It sucks.

I sighed, happy thoughts Knox while trying to smile. After several minutes of walking, I'm already in front of my apartment that I luckily found after days of looking for a cheap place stay in. Where I had to beg the owner, Janice, a not too old lady but close to being old, to do anything just for her to lower the price as it's really hard to find a cheap place that's in good condition and I'm already at my limit. Sighing in defeat, Janice gave me the keys and let me move in right away. Hearing that made me repeatedly shake her hands saying thank yous for I don't know how many times. She scowled jokingly in return telling me to hurry up before she changes her mind.

I chuckled at the memory. I feel a little bit good now.

I grab my keys to open the door and quickly turned the lights on. I looked around feeling really satisfied with the place and how it actually fits me perfectly. After I moved in 3 days ago, I went and search for jobs thats closer or a little bit far, as long as I have a job and it can cover a months rent, it doesn't matter. Having only one room and a not so small living room as well as the kitchen. Although I felt bad lashing out at Mom after how she went against me living alone than with someone thats a girl so that I could have a company. But me having a stubborn attitude, Mom finally gave up and switch lecturing me to stay safe at all times and how its challenging and that I have to work hard. Though, she also insisted of paying my rent but I told her paying the school expenses is already enough, leaving her no room to argue.

I cursed my breath of feeling the coldness after standing in the doorway for too long. I immediately closed it and turned the heater on. Dammit I should've turned it on right away. I took my jacket off after a couple of minutes and I could feel the heat going to my body making me relax feeling sleepy all of a sudden. Fighting the sleepiness away, I went to the fridge and grab something to eat or atleast drink without looking, I feel nothing but air and emptiness inside.

In that moment, I panicked.

Then I remembered.

I bought shit tons of video games yesterday using the money Mom gave me after leaving to buy food for myself to survive until I have my very first pay check.

Well, that just happened. Oops.

I shrugged. I already ate a little bit at work so I'm not that hungry anyways. I went and changed into my comfortable clothes and turned my computer on feeling excited to try the other new games I didn't get to try on yesterday.

Hello tomorrow.


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