Chapter 2

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"Dani, are you okay?" I shook my head looking to my friend Amber. I raised my brow and gave her a puzzled look.

"What?" I asked it has been a long time since I had really thought back to the day my family died.

"I'll take that as a no." She chuckled resting a hand on my shoulder. "You had that blank look on your face like you were thinking back to what happened to your family." Okay, maybe it hasn't been that long since I thought about it.

"I'm okay really, just thinking about what might happen when I meet my uncle," I said with air quotes around the word uncle.

"Once you find what you're looking for everything will be fine. You'll meet a couple of long lost relatives and everything will be perfect. Plus when you're settled, I'll come to see you." Amber grinned, she didn't know much about my family history. Just that my parents were mauled by wild animals and I made it out without a scratch. She doesn't have a clue that the Argents aren't actually my blood family, but they might as well be for what all they've done for me.

"Yeah, it'll be great. Pop's just got me a new truck for the adventure and enough money to try and find my own place out there. I can't wait for the change. Aunt Kate said that Beacon Hill's is beautiful, Fall is the best from what I understood." I grinned trying to hide my worry of taking this trip.

"I can't believe your grandfather bought that truck for you. You're so lucky, I would kill for my grandfather to do that for me." Amber sighed looking out of my bedroom window at the brand new black Ford Raptor, I know that there are other reasons for Gerard to buy me this truck, he expects me to bring back the bed filled with werewolves. He thinks I'm going to Beacon Hills to rid it of werewolves, he doesn't know my true reason.

"I think you're all packed. Let's take these boxes down to the truck." Amber sighed taping the top of the last box shut. We have been packing my room all weekend getting me ready for this trip.

"Let me help you with those girls," Gerard said poking his head into my room.

"We've got it, don't worry yourself about it Pop," I said smiling. I didn't always like Gerard, well in the last few years I've grown to really dislike him, that's why I'm going to Beacon Hills, to get answers that I don't have.

"Amber, why don't you head down? Danielle will be right behind you, I just want to say my goodbye." Gerard widely grinned at her.

"You know, ever since that werewolf put Mountain Ash in your pills, your teeth have never shined as they used too," I commented seeing the black mountain ash that still filled his mouth. His mouth would forever be stained like that, it truthfully suited him well.

"You know what I expect from you, correct?" Gerard asked ignoring my comment.

"Yes sir, bring the McCall pack's head back. I know what you want from me, Gerard. What I still want from you is to help me find the pack that killed my family. It's been ten years and you've given me nothing and I've done your bidding." I growled at the old man.

"I'm sending you right to them dear Danielle." He smirked.

"McCall has only been around for a few years, he isn't responsible for my family." I snapped.

"Not him, but a few members of his pack are family members of the pack that murdered your family. I want Derek Hale's head on a platter do you understand?" Gerard sneered the name.

"Understood." I nodded before walking down the stairs and out of the front door without another look at Gerard. I smiled seeing Amber leaning against the side of the truck with a dull look on her face.

"It's only like a six-hour drive, so you're going to call me when you get there right?" Amber asked as I set the last box in the bed of the truck and closed the tailgate.

"I will call you as soon as I find somewhere to stay for the night. I promise." I grinned hugging her. I've known Amber since I became an Argent, I don't know what I would do without her anymore, even if she doesn't know my secrets, she's what keeps me sane in this crazy world.

"Okay, and if you see any cute guys, let me know and I will be there in no time. I am so over the guys in this town." She chuckled pulling away from the hug.

"Don't worry Amber, I'll find you a cute boy out there in Beacon Hills and you can rush there are fast as you can. I'm going to miss you." I laughed.

"I'm going to miss you too. Now get moving," She pushed me by my shoulders taking a step back. I sighed climbing into the truck and started the engine giving her one last smile and wave. She waved back before turning to walk down the street to her house. I moved the transmission into Drive and began my long drive to Beacon Hills. 

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