|| XIII || stalling

132 8 10

Still Friday: 5:43 PM
At the arena
( Jon's P.O.V )

Me and the boys were walking around the arena to kill time. It was just some small talk going on but, my mind was somewhere else. That video. It just wasn't me but, for some reason I just......hope it was I guess....it doesn't really make any sense but, nothing does right now.

All I know is I need answers. I'm just scared I'm gonna get the one that I don't want-
"Hey, Jon you alright? We've been talking to you since like 5 minutes now and your zoned out." Joe asked and I snapped my head to him leaving both of them giving me worried looks.
Things spinned in my head of what I could say but, no words would come out.
"Y-yeah I'm all good just a little..uhhh...worried for our match tonight is all." I lied to there faces.

It felt wrong but, I'm just protecting all of us. Colby looked at me like he knew something but, said nothing related to the situation. "It's not the first time we faced the new day man. We got this!" Joe said pushing me playfully and I just laughed nervously.

"Are you guys hungry? Because like I'm kinda hungry and we should go get something to eat right now because I'm really hungry." Colby said I think at the speed at 100 miles per hour. Me and Joe looked at each other with puzzled looks but, I knew at least part of why he was being like this.

"Let's take him to eat I guess." I laughed slightly as we walked tordes catering. The silence was nice rather than awkward but, tension soon started to build as the whole arena was now empty due to everyone probably getting ready. We finally entered catering and I got nauseous from looking at all the food. Joe ant Colby immediately grabbed there plates and grabbed whatever they wanted. I just picked a table all the way at the back we're we like it.

I was trying to find happiness in my life and we're it's at right now but, I just can't. Vince wants to break up the shield, Sam is dead, I'm mentally unstable, my friends are drifting apart and....i think Mox is back. I know it sounds crazy but, it wasn't me in that video. It's just even more crazy to think that Mox would be ummm....like gay I guess? Especially for my brother/best friend or whatever. Like it hurts so much to think about. I'll never be a normal person.

"Jon why aren't you eating?" Colby asked me while sliding across from me at the table with a mountain of food on his table. Joe slided I'm a few seconds later and he had a decent amount on his plate. "I'm just not hungry." I said sounding a little more depressed than I wanted to. "Hey, how are you holding up ya know...about Sam?" He asked and I immediately felt a pain in my heart. Tears stung in my eyes and I stood silent. I tried to hold back the tears but, the anxiety of knowing I'll never have him back pained me. It drove me crazy.

"I'm sorry I should have never asked." Joe said looking down with guilt. Colby just looked at me worried. I hid my face with my hands as the tears just rolled on my face. I hated crying. It made me feel vulnerable. Colby took my hands off of my face and held them. "Look at me...it's gonna be okay. You have us. Always and forever. We are NEVER going anywhere. We love you and care about you. I promise we're never gonna make you feel alone." Said Colby as he stared into my eyes. I then looked at Joe. "We love you so much." He whispered. "I'm sorry. I love you guys too." I said and Joe wipes my tears.

"Now let's kick some ass.....but let's finish this food first because I'm starving." Colby said and I giggled.


After catering: 7:47PM

The opening of the show was about to happen witch we were just cutting a quick promo and then main eventing later on that night. We were clipping up our vest when a sudden conversation came up. "Hey Jon, remember that photo you took of me two weeks ago? Can you send it to me?" Joe asked and I pointed to my phone on the table. "Send it to your self." I said wile clipping the last straps on my vest. "Oh ah no no no no no!" Colby yelled out of no were. Me and Joe gave him a strange look. Then I remembered the fucking video in my damn phone.

Why haven't I deleted that yet?!?!

"Your umm...your contacts get weird every time you stare at a screen before a match. I'll send it to you from Jons phone." Colby said but, I didn't believe him but, went along with him anyway. I did because I know he knows about that video since he's the one in it. So I know that he doesn't want Joe to see it. "He's right man. Now why don't you go wet your hair up a little extra. It's getting dry." I tell him so I could get a few seconds with Colby. Joe looks at himself in the mirror and agrees. I seen Colby on my phone so I was assuming he was deleting that video.

"your right. The ladies love when my hair drips. " Joe winked and I smirked. My best friend truly was a good looking guy. The both were. I could never see myself having feelings for any of them tho. Why did that come to my mind? That was kinda weird lol.

"Done." Colby said and put my phone down. Me and Joe turnt our attention to Colby. "By the way Joe, you look great in that photo. Your ass just looks a little flat." He said and I 'ooed' knowing he said the wrong thing. Joe scoffed as I hailed back a laugh. "I have an AMAZING ass, thank you for asking. Later losers. I'll be back in a few minutes." He said turning and throwing up a piece sign as I threw up a middle finger.

As soon as I heard the door shut...

I was hit with the big question. 

"What do you know?" Colby asked coming extremely close. "Enough time be fucking confused jerk off!?!?" I said throwing my arms up in the air making him flinch. I sighed. "I'm not gonna hit you. Just tell me what's going on. Why does it look like your body hurts so much? Why do you have a slight black eye? Why is there so much scars on your body and what was that video about?"

"It's Mox. I don't know who he is but, he's back."



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