|| X || No pitty

158 7 4

Thursday: 10:28 AM
( Colby's P.O.V )
I was in the guest bedroom at Jons house just about opening my eyes. I thought my stay here would be calming and relaxing but, Mox just had to come up here and scare me. He makes me feel like Jon could hurt me. And Jon would never hurt me.

I decided to get up out of bed and check on Jon. I walked the short to his bedroom. I'll admit, I feel bad about lying to Jon last night but, I can't tell him his other personality is out to get me. Once I got to Jons room, I knocked on the door. I waited about 5 seconds and no one answered. I opened the door to find the bed perfectly made and his bull dog sleeping in the bed. I stared at it in confusion.

"Miss me sweetheart?"

Someone said from behind me and I jumped. I turnt around to be met with cold, harsh and dull blue eyes. My stomach turned as I felt sick again.

"What are you doing here, Mox?" I asked shakily.

"Well, I explained this once before. I show up when Jon's feelings are in over drive and he's hurt, confused, bla bla bla all that good stuff. I could see that those marks I left on you were quite entertaining for Jon." He said and then traced a line were the marks used to be. I shivered. He smirked.

"Maybe I can make some more for you." He said and before I could react or say anything, he pushed me up against a wall and I gasped from the shooting pain up my spine. "Oh shut up. That was nothing. Your just a winer is all." He whispered making tears sting in my eyes. And before I knew it, his lips were crashed against mine. His hands wrapped loosely around my neck as he forcefully kissed me. I silently cried as I kissed him back. His lips still remained on mine as he wiped away my tears.

He really does confuse me.

He then pushed me on the floor making me hit my eye in the night stand.

"AHHHH!" I yelled out as I felt the under of my eye being busted. I cried and yelled out in pain.

That's for sure gonna leave a mark.

"Suck it up. I have gotten so much worse then that. Plus your supposed to be a pro wrestler and you can't handle a boo boo on your eye. Ha! You crack me up." He faked laughed as I groaned in pain. I touched my eye and looked at my finger to see blood.

"Your a monster." I slightly growled. I hate this guy. I wish he never existed. And the fact that he's a part of Jon, sickens me.

He leaned down to me so that we were eye level. "And your pathetic." He growled back harshly. I just looked at him with complete utter anger in my eyes as he just looked at me with a amused smirk. "Oh and pack your things. We gotta he in Boston tonight for work tomorrow." He explained as he got up. He was about to walk out the door but, I had something to say.

"I'm not going anywhere with your crazy ass." I said. I probably shouldn't have a smart mouth because it could get me in trouble but, the least I could do is stand up for myself.
"I didn't leave you a choice, darling."
He smiled. I just tried to regain my posture as look as confident as I could. Then he walked out.

Damn I hate that guy.


Still Thursday: 5:11PM
I was currently packing my things, pretty desperate to be in Boston so I could be surrounded by coworkers at the hotel. I am tired of being alone and with this monster of a human being. I just want Jon back and I wanna be with Joe. I just wanna go back to normal. Like back to when before Sam died, back before to when Joe and Jon started picking bones and back before everything. Like we're starting to drift apart and it's breaking me.

Jon and Joe are the most important people in the world to me. And right now knowing that Jon is going threw something and he can't even socialize, it's absolutely breaking me apart.

Especially since because I have to deal with Mox now.

And that guy creeps me the fuck out.


I sighed. "Come in." I whispered. I heard the door swing open and it hit the wall with a loud bang. "What's taking you so damn long?! We need to be at the air port by 6pm and we land at 11pm. So please chop chop." He explained and then shut the door forcefully behind him.

I fucking hate that guy.

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