|| III || storm

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Tuesday: 1:35 AM. At the bar on a cold, stormy night. Errr, morning.

( Jon's P.O.V )
It had started raining like and hour ago. I've been here for an hour and a half. I tried to drink every emotion I had away but, that didn't help. I only felt worse. It maid every emotion more real. Every ounce of pain not really a good mixture with the alcohol. I just wanted the earth to swallow me. I felt even worse because I haven't called and checked up on Sam ever since I left him.
I'm a horrible person and no one can tell me that I'm not. I can NEVER get him back now and it's all my fault.

I should have went to go see him on my days off. I should have called. I should have made sure he was okay but, there's NO going back now. NO take backs. Now I'm just gonna sit here and drown myself in pain and sorrow. Because that's what I deserve. I don't EVER see to be happy again. The only time I should be happy is when someone runs me over with a bus. That would be great now would it.
"You know what to do." I told my bartender for the 38th time tonight as I put my glass down.

"You got it, sir." She said. She looked tired as fuck but, she's getting paid so she shouldn't complain. She was supposed to close up hours ago so I gave her $100 not to. I wonder if Colby and Joe are worried about me right now. Probably not. They should've got the hint if were I went. And I'm a piece of crap anyway. No one should care about me. "Here you go, sir." The bartender said as she handed me my drink again. "Thank you." I whispered very lowly. I didn't really feel like talking. I didn't really feel like feeling. It was even hard for me to blink. I don't wanna do anything.

I could feel my heart aching and beating in my ears if that was possible. It hurt to thin- "is this spot taken?" Asked a voice so familiar, I could almost name. "Go for it." I said taking a sip of my drink suddenly not wanting to drink anymore. "Jon, you've been gone for two hours already. Come back to the hotel with me." Colby said from next to me. I took a look at him. He was soaking wet from the rain, had his beautiful wet hair tied in a messy bun and a very tired looking beautiful face.

I need to stop drinking now.

"Please, Jon. We're worried about you. How about we go home tomorrow? We have a week off from WWE I think it's a perfect opportunity." He said. I didn't even have a reaction.

"Let's go home tonight." I whispered, looking down. We didn't live together. I lived in Vegas wile Colby lived in Iowa and Joe lived with his wife and daughter in Florida. I just wanted to go home tonight tho. I don't care who with. I just wanna forget about life for a few days.
"It's a little late to go home tonight-" he started. "Sam died." I whispered. I felt the pain on me all at once. Feeling the reality of it finally come to play as I said those words. "I-I'm sorry. I'll book a flight at the hotel. We just have to wake up Joe and pack. Sound good?" He asked and I nodded.

I opened my wallet and put another $100 dollar bill on the table. "Thank you sweetie. Have a great rest of your night." I said motionless. I know I drank a lot but, I am not one tad bit close to drunk. I can't get drunk when I'm angry or sad. It's annoying I know. Me and Colby walked out of the bar and I tried to keep the walk to the hotel silent.

I didn't wanna hear anybody's pity. I didn't wanna hear sweet nothings. I didn't wanna hear anything. I just wanted to go home. Once we got there, Colby already had a key so we just walked up to 'Room 609😉' we got inside and I saw a sleeping Joe. What happened earlier today just made me appreciate him more. Him and Colby. I feel like I don't wanna lash out on them anymore or take them for granted. "Hey Colbs?" I asked as he started packing some of his stuff. "Yeah." He said gathering some things and putting them into his bag. "I'm sorry if I ever make you mad or any. I promise I won't do that anymore okay?" I asked him and now he looked at me.

His eyes had a look of awe. It may be the alcohol but, this is the most perfect he ever looked. He looked normal. "I don't care about that stuff man. We're brothers. Yeah we can piss each other off sometimes but, that's what family do. At the end of the day we're in the car together, traveling to the next time. Nothing is ever gonna change man. I love you." He explained and my heart finally felt at ease for the first time tonight. I just walked up and hugged him tight. He was a little taken back but, hugged me just as tight.

I felt very emotion I tried to drown myself in. Every time I think about it it gets more real. I sobbed into his shoulder. "Please don't leave me, Colby! I love you too much I can't handle that again. Please don't go." I sobbed into him. "I'm not going anywhere." He cooed. "I'm gonna go home with you and we will stay there for a few days. I'll even call Vince and ask him for more time if that's what you want?" He asked and I pulled away a little. I nodded. That sounded great actually. He wiped away my tears. "Come on. Let's get Joe up" Colby started but, I cut in. "Give him an hour more of sleep. He deserves it." I said and he smiled.

"Ok well I'm gonna shower. You just rest try not to think so much okay?" He said and I nodded.

I just can't wait to go home.

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