Invasion pt. 1

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Barry's POV
The alarm goes off and I run out there and see aliens. I run back to star labs.

"Guys its aliens." I say

"Aliens?" Caitlin asks

"Ya and I'm gonna have to stop them." I say

"You can't do it alone." Iris says walking in

"Iris your back." I say hugging her

"Hi Barry." She says

"Well I'm gonna get the help of the legends and team arrow and an alien." I Say walking out

"Barry?" Caitlin says walking to me

"Hey Cait." I Say

"What's wrong?" She asks

"Nothing I'm fine." I Say

"Barry you can tell me." She says

"I'm the reason Cisco's brother is dead." I Say

"You had nothing to do with it." She says

"Cait I haven't been completely honest with you." I say

"What do you mean?" She asks confused

"After we defeated zoom I ran back in time and saved my mom but I lived in an alternative timeline for 6 months and Than came back. It changed everything." I Say

"What changed?" She asks

"Cisco's brother is dead, Diggle has a son instead of a daughter, and you have powers." I say

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She asks

"I didn't want to worry you." I say

"You should've told me Barry, I could've helped you put things back to normal but you decided to keep it to yourself! I'm your girlfriend you should have told me, relationships are based on truth, and trust but you have been lying to me for months!" She yells

"I know I'm sorry Cait." I say looking down

"You lied to me for months and than decided to tell me while we are being attacked by aliens!" She says

"I know and I said I am sorry." I Say

"Just don't." She says walking back in the cortex

I run to star city and get Oliver, Felicity, and Thea. Then I send a time algorithm to The legends. After that I get Cisco and he opens a breach to earth 38 and get Kara. We go to the star labs hanger.

"Hey guys I brought an alien." I Say

"Everyone say hi to supergirl." I Say

"Hi supergirl." Everyone says

"I'll be right back." I Say as I walk to the star labs van

Oliver comes over to me.

"Barry what's wrong you and Caitlin haven't even looked or talked to each other." He says but little do they know that Caitlin is listening in

"Me and Caitlin got in an argument." I Say

"What was the argument about?" He asks

"I have been lying to her for months." I Say

"Oh that is bad she might never forgive you for that." He says

"I don't know what to do. I love Caitlin so much I don't want to lose her to some stupid argument." I say tearing up

"Barry you just have to talk to her." He says

"I will After everything is over." I Say

We go try to defeat the aliens but I get mind controlled.

Oliver's POV
"Caitlin Barry has been mind controlled and your the only one that can get him back." I Say

"But he probably doesn't love me anymore because of the argument." She says

"That's not true he loves you so much." I say

"Ok I'll try to bring him back." She says

Caitlin's POV
I go outside of star labs.

"BARRY!" I yell as he looks at me

He pushes me against the wall and he vibrates his hand and almost put it through my chest.

"Barry stop!" I yell

"Barry don't do this, if you do this then you will never see me again. I love you Barry." I Say

"I never loved you." He says

"Than kill me." I Say

"You said you don't love me so your going to have no trouble to kill me." I Say pulling his vibrating hand closer to my chest

His hand stopped vibrating and his eyes went back to normal.

"Cait." He says hugging me

"It's ok Barry I got you." I Say

"I'm so sorry for lying." He says

"It's ok I forgive you." I Say

"I love you." I Say

"I love you too Cait." He says as kisses me

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