I make myself breakfast and then grab my car keys, house keys, phone and headphones, shove thenm in my training bag filled with all my ballet shoes and some enegry drinks and then leave my apartment and head towards the stadium.

I don't know why they're training there today but  I think it's getting done up so they have to train there today.

I arrive at the stadium at the same time as Mario, so we walk in together.

He's quiet and seems nervous.

But I just let it slide.

I leave the boys to train and sit on one of the dug out chairs and pull on my pair of ballet block pointe shoes and stretch my legs and feet before slipping my phone into a hone holder around my arm and play the music for my show on Saturday.

I practice all of the movements while listening to the music up full blast and have to dodge a lot of footballs coming towards me at full speed.

Practice finished and then Mario shouts Marco and I over to him.

"Could you guys maybe come with me into on of the interview rooms please?" He asks and my brother and I nod and look over a each other with confused faces but follow Mario any way.

We don't talk the full way up to the interview room and I sit down next to m brother at the table and Mario sits opposite us and rest his elbows on the table and has his head in his hands.

"What wrong bro?" Marco asks looking worried at his best friend who looks as if he is going to cry.

"I need to tell you both something and I wanted you both to know before I told the rest of the team." He look up at us and I feel my throat start to grow dry and close up.

What is he talking about.

"What is it?" I ask through a choked breathe and feel my hands start to grow sweaty.

"When the transfer deadline ends I won't be a Borussia Dortmund player." His voice starts to crack and I feel tears come to my eyes and I have to breathe heavier.

"Where are you going?" Marco asks his voice not sounding solid as well.  

"Please don't be mad..." He trails off and starts crying.

This makes me assume the worst.

My worst fear coming true.

"Where are you going?" I ask quite loudly and Mario looks me straight in the eye.

"Please don't get mad." He whispers and I shake my head.

"Where are you fucking going Mario?" I ask getting angry as I assume the worst.

"I'm going to Bayern Munich." He announces and I start up from my chair and move away from them. 

I hear Marco let out a sob and I let one out too.

Marco and Mario would always say that they would never leave BVB for Bayern.

He lied.

How could he do that?

"Please say something..." Mario whispers and I turn to face them both.

Marco says it's fine and it was his decision but I shake my head at my brother.

"Are you serious?"

The Footballer's Sister (Mario Götze)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن