chapter 6

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It was 3pm and I was getting ready for my job, I was texting Jen about how Tay didn't even notice what I was wearing so I'm not worried about that anymore, I mean, he saw me in sweats, messy bun, tired and crying. I think we're past the awkward stage. I put on some black tights with an oversized baby blue sweater because I'm gonna be wearing an apron anyway, so why bother? I didn't see a lot of Tessa today either, I saw her for like five minutes when I came back from school because she had some classes she had to go to, she just yelled something about a party on friday but I didn't think much into it since me and parties don't go together at all. I style my hair in two French braids so that my hair doesn't end up in one of the drinks, take my bag, my phone my keys and head out.

When I get there, I recognize Robby right away, he was standing behind the counter taking some orders, when he notices me I give him a small wave and he gives me his famous smile. I get behind the counter and meet my coworkers. At this shift there are only three of us. Robby, me and this girl I just met. Her name is Rachel. She has deep red hair, green eyes, freckles and the cutest smile ever. I like her a lot for now, they don't know it but I'm very grateful that I get to work with people that actually don't get on my nerves. She's a freshmen at college and I think that I heard her saying to Robby that she has a date with her boyfriend today so I guess Tess still has a shot with Robby. Two hours in and I was cleaning the mess I made by knocking a drink on accident. After I'm done I hear Robby call for me.

"Jade can you take the order from table number seven?"

"So, you're calling me Jade now?"

"Yes. Number seven Jade."

"On it." I turn around and look for number seven when I spot a girl sitting with a boy, I start heading their direction when the boy turns and I see him. Tay. A feeling in my stomach appears like someone kicked me right in the middle of it. I couldn't be jealous, could I? I clear my throat and try and forget how beautiful that girl looks.

"Hi." I say quietly and look Tay in the eyes, then I remember that he probably doesn't want to be seen with me so I shake my head and continue. "What will your orders be?" I take their orders, notice that Tay didn't look away from me then start going to the counter and then I hear him say.

"Didn't know you work here."

"Yeah, Tessa got the job for me, so.."

"Oh, this is-" he starts to introduce me to the girl but Robby interrupts him with yelling at me.

"Jade, we don't have the whole day, table two please"

"On it, Robby" I look away and back at Tay who looks at me with a questioning look.

"Jade?" he says not taking he's questioning look away. "Care to elaborate? Did you give me a fake name?" I burst out laughing, I swear the whole caffee noticed before I pull myself together.

"I did not give you a fake name Tay. I'm Madison Jade, Jade is my middle name that only Robby uses, he has a thing with middle names, I don't even know, I got to go now, I guess I'll see you around" then I look at the girl and put the best fake smile i have. "Bye." she just smiles back.


It's been a few days since I saw Tay at work, I saw him once after that when I was heading to the grocery store and he was walking into his apartment we just smiled at each other and went our ways. Me and Thea have been hanging out a lot these past few days, she was even at my place one day when Jen and Gabe called so I introduced her to them. They like her and Jen said that I have her approval. We didn't mention the 'Gabe situation' and I think it's for the best. Now it's thursday night, I'm having a headache and staring at the bathroom door. I think about Damie and how he knows something is wrong again so I decide to clear my head out a bit and head to the rooftop. I do the same routine, sweats, bun, phone, hot chocolate, lock the door, keep away from the elevator. As I'm walking up I'm talking to Gabe on the phone, we joke around a bit as he tells me all the gossip that people talk about about why I moved atc. As I reach the rooftop I see a familiar face already sitting, looking in front of him, probably at nothing. He looks at me and my heart breaks a little when I see his red face and puffy eyes.

it's now!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum