I nodded to him, and he began to lead me through the hallways. A few screams came from a room causing me to jump before a blond woman came out of the room, blood dripped from her mouth down to her blouse.

“Hey Donny” she was almost mocking him. He stopped turning to her sluggishly, surprise crossed his face as he looked at her.

She closed the door and stepped into the hall. “Come on Donny…” An intense hiccup left her body. She grabbed his wrist. “Lets have some fun…” Her smile sent chills through me.

“Sorry Quine we have to go” he pulled his wrist away and pulled me closer as he walked down the hallway. I looked back to the blond, she had pushed herself to the wall her hair fell on her face sticking in the blood as she waved to me. Her long fingers bony where definitely not human.

Donovan said we arrived at the meeting 2 minutes late Because of that talk. He had me sitting next to him, my leash held tightly in his hand. A woman with brown hair and eyes was talking.

“Honestly, we are devastated this mistake has been made.” Her voice didn't sound devastated at all. In fact, she almost had a smile on her face.

“Yes, its unfortunate but it happened. For now, we will just keep this hushed.” A blond haired man spoke up before standing next to the woman. “A few of the muts have made their way through the gates, so please keep your eyes out for anything suspicious.” We let his hand rest on the table. “Donovan do you have any reports?”

Donovan set his hand on my leg under the table. “So far vampire attacks have gone down, blood intake from them has also gone down but with the full moon coming up that might not be the case this next meeting.” He let out a small sigh.

What's wrong with a full moon? Is that bad?

The blond man nodded. “Yeah I see what you're saying, for now this will do.” Everyone started moving, I guess it had been 2 hours already.

Donovan shifted but didn't get up. His gaze followed the brown haired woman until she was past the door, then he stayed silent for a few moments.

“She's hiding something.” His tone was cold. I looked over him, every hair on his neck stood up.

He stood up pulling me with him. “The witches have to be planning something.” His voice was almost a whisper. His high alert made me uncomfortable, but he has been on alert for a while. His hands moved to my waist, I could feel my heart start to speed up.

My stomach felt slightly weird looking at him like that, so intense and focused. I think that means I'm hungry.

“D-Donovan, I'm hungry.” My words had snapped him out of whatever thoughts had captured him.

“Yeah, we have to go to the store anyway.” He shook his head, and we walked out of the room. One of the woman from the meeting had stayed behind and was outside the door. She had red hair and green eyes similar to my own.

“So you let your pet call you by your name?” She spat out the word pet, almost as if it was an insult. I suppose it could be, but this is all I have ever known and it wasn't all bad, sometimes I enjoyed it, but that wasn't until after I had left fathers.

“You don't?” Donovan chucked almost as if this was a joke.

“No I think its disgusting, Much rather have mine call me Ma'am.” She raised her brow and looked me up and down. “So you think the witches are hiding something to huh?” Her gaze shifted to Donovan.

“Since you over heard, yes I do.” He looked at me and then back to her. “I'm just not sure what.” He rubbed between his eyes. “If you would excuse us we have something to attend to.” He pushed past her holding my leash tight into his hand. He pulled me close till we were almost walking equally.

He rushed us into the store. He was particles choking me as he walked faster, I let a gasp out the more he pulled. My stomach begin to feel weird again, the hunger really hitting me as I tried to keep up. Donovan must have heard a gasp and a soft cough leave my throat because he stopped and looked at me, almost horrified at himself.

“S-Sorry, I'll slow down” I never heard him stutter before. He put me in front of him. “ I'll just tell you what way to go, you set the pace.” I was almost scared, for the first time really I didn't have something to hide behind.

I nodded, I just wanted to grab food and go home. I knew once we were home then I could be safe. After a few minutes of walking Donovan stopped and looked at the food items they had. He picked out a few things and then motioned for me to keeping walking.

After he picked out a few things more we left. He looked through the bags on the way home, the rustling of them was distracting as I ate the sandwich he gave me. He eventually pulled out a small box with the word pet on it. It had the word in nice, calming letters.

He nodded and then slid it in his pocket.

“When we get back I think I'm going to leave you alone for a few minutes, I have to talk to my parents.” My heart picked up, I don't want to be alone. Father left me alone a lot and I never minded it before, but now, now someone could hurt me.

SlaughteredNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ