Bonus Chapter 13 | The Reunion

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It was a nice but a bit chilly autumn day. Two girls walked hand in hand to the nearby park chatting comfortably, until they stopped at the spot next to the fountain.
"No one's here yet?" one of the girls sighed. 

"I told you it's too early" second one poked her cheek "You're to stressed~""Norikooo""Nanaaaa~"The taller of the girls hugged the one called Nana

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"I told you it's too early" second one poked her cheek "You're to stressed~"
The taller of the girls hugged the one called Nana.
"I just missed's been 5 years..." she pouted "What if they won't recognize me?"
"Overreacting much?"
"But look! I was 11, I changed so much!" she threw her hands up.
"No, calm down. It's gonna be okay, trust me"
The other girl sighed, but seemed a little bit calmer.
They waited for a while longer before someone approached them.
They looked at the person, or people that were standing next to them. 

"Hase! Mr

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"Hase! Mr. Firefighter!" Nana almost jumped at them for a hug, but stopped herself last moment.
Haseon smiled and opened his arms letting her know it was okay and then she hugged him.
She hugged Juurou later as well.
"You grew a lot"
"Well, it has been 5 years Juurou" Haseon pointed out.
"Was it really that long already?"
"Yea! I missed you all so much!" Nana said excitedly.
"We missed you too"
"Also, Nana. You can call me by my name you know" Juurou said to her.
"Um... I-" she looked away embarrassed" I actually don't remember your name... That's why I called you that"
"I had a hard time remembering some names, and there were a lot of people there...I only remember Hase's nickname because you and Tora called him that a lot"
"How about that then-" Haseon started" My full name is Min Haseon, it's nice to see you again Nana, and it's nice to meet your friend right here"
Noriko looked at him with a smirk "Smooth"
He returned the smile.
"Oshiro Noriko" she reached her hand out and Haseon shook it.
"My name is Hayashi Juurou, it's nice to meet you Noriko"
The girl stared at him for a few seconds "How old are you? You look much older that him" she pointed at Haseon.
"Noriko!" Nana pushed her.
She shook her shoulders.
Juurou just looked confused and Haseon giggled softly in the background.
"Sooooo, will I hear it today or..."
"It's okay Nana" Juurou sighed" I'm 35 this year"
"Oh shit! You could be my dad!"
"Do you know how to hit the breaks?" Nana groaned at her friend.
"You have an interesting friend, not gonna lie" Haseon said chuckling.
"U-um..." someone else walked up to them "H-hello" 

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