Chapter 12 | Epilogue

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He opened his eyes and sat up. The room was so bright that he had to blink a couple of times before he could look around.
There were few people next to the bed he was on, staring at him with surprised and confused faces.
"What is-"
"Haseon!" Juurou almost tackled him back down to the bed, hugging his tightly.
"Brother Min!" Nana also hugged him, crying.
To say he was confused was an understatement.
"Wha- Why-" he tried to say something, but he just couldn't.
"Stupid" Jun, who was standing nearby murmured.
It took him about one more minute to finally realise what was really happening. He returned the hug and tears started to finally fall down his face.

The stress of being threatened with his life for all these days washing off

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The stress of being threatened with his life for all these days washing off.
Crying helped, he felt calmer.
After stopping he moved away from older male, Nana stayed sitting next to him.
"W-What... happened? I-I thought that I-" Haseon bit his lip.
He shot himself.
He did it.
It's almost impossible to be alive after something like that, but here he was. All fine, as if nothing really happened.
"You were right" Kyousuke spoke "You really were the key to that whole game"
"I have to say-" Jun looked at him impressed "-ya really had the guts to shoot yourself"
"It was... terrifying"
"Well, no shit!"
"I'm so mad at you right now" Juurou huffed. But his stare was sincere and relieved.
"I-I know it was reckless, I'm sorry. But I panicked...I was so stressed I actually... wanted to die... a bit..." he looked down at his hands that were fiddling with the while hospital sheets.
"I'm sorry..." he murmured.
He could feel the burning stared of others in the room.
"W-where exactly are we anyway?" he asked trying to change the subject.
'Some hospital in Osaka' Sanji showed him on the paper.
"We woke up in other rooms and met on the corridor. One of the nurses got us to your room - where you are very much alive" Kyousuke explained.
"But if I'm alive-"
"The other could be as well"
Detective's voice was so hopeful it almost made Haseon cry again.
The guilt was still eating him from inside, although it wasn't as bad as before.
"They could" Juurou smiled at them.
"Then let's move our asses and go!" Jun said getting to the door.
The nurse got them to another room and Nana immediately rushed to Tora's bed.
She woke up after few minutes and Nana hugged her.
She was equally confused as Haseon was before.
"Welcome back" Juurou put a hand on her shoulder.
She cried hugging Nana, Juurou and Sanji sitting close to her as well.

Next was Miki.
Haseon didn't step closer to her, standing in the back.
Nana was the one who hesitatately stepped closer and gave her a hug.
Juurou watched her with caution.
She apologised. Multiple times, crying.
Haseon forgave her, because how could he not.
He was still scared of her, he didn't want to, but is was beyond his control.
He just flinched each time she came closer.
But he forgave her.

Another room and it was Haru this time.
They all walked in, but only Kyousuke came closer to the bed.
They gave him space.
He needed it.
Kyousuke shook older male's shoulder with hesitation.
He was so hopeful, but scared at the same time.
Haru groaned and sat up, massaging his temple.
"What happened?" he asked looking around.
Kyousuke stood still, not believing his eyes "H-haru..."
"Yup, that's me. Who were you expecting?" he joked "But, I really don't remember much?"
"You... I had to- I-I-" Kyousuke tried to explain, but before he could he broke down.
"Kyou!? Hey, hey-" Haru stood up and hugged the younger cop "Shush...It's okay, I'm fine now"
Kyousuke clenched to him like his life depended on it.

To not disturb them everyone left, showing to Haru quietly that they will explain everything later on

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To not disturb them everyone left, showing to Haru quietly that they will explain everything later on.

Next room had another tearful reunion as Sanji literally tackled his brother down and didn't let go of him for even a second after.
Haseon smiled.
Everyone were happy and safe, smiling and crying that they were okay. That the game was only some illusion or simulation or whatever.
But over all that joy Haseon noticed the nurse standing outside the room quietly.
There was one last person.
He walked up to her and followed where she showed him the last place.
Luca's room.
He went in.
The room was quiet, curtains softly moving on the wind from an open window. Sheets on the bed messed, showing that someone clearly was here before, but now it was empty.
A single notebook page lying on the bedside table.
Haseon picked it up. 

"Hey fuckers" 

He sighed. Definitely Luca. 

"If you're reading it then - congratu-fucking-lation you got out of the simulation. 

Are you proud? You should be. Or course assuming you all didn't just die, because then you suck. Either way, I think you got out before that. I get you might hate me after all that happened. And to be honest I don't really care. You can forget about me. You are alive. Go about your life. Be happy. Go and have little demons running around your house after you get married or something. Or don't." 

The rest of the paper was damp. 

"Just go out. 

Try to forget. 
By loosers" 

His heart clenched at the last sentence that was messily written and it had ink was smeared around. 

"Please don't end up like me" 

Haseon didn't realise when he started to cry, when others came to the room or when he walked to the window.
It was a beautiful day.
Everything was bright and warm.
And even after they talked and made sure one more time that everything was okay witch each of them, even after they went their ways, after he returned to his home in Korea.
After all these years passed.
He would always remember- 

The crimson outside the hospital window. 


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