Chapter 8

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Eventually Haseon woke Juurou up and dragged him to his room, so he could sleep in bed instead. He wasn't sure if he'll rest more, but it was worth a try.
After that, Haseon went around the floor investigating the attractions, although he couldn't do any of them alone.
That's why his next goal was to find someone to help him in getting few of those clear chips they were suppose to collect.
He was helped by Jun in one of that needed strength and by Luca in some other one.
The younger was even generous enough to give him 2 of 3 chips they got in a game. It was really surprising, considering that Luca does not look and act as a person who would do something like that.
And just with that, Haseon collected few clear chips.
Then he decided to check on how Kyousuke was holding up in the medical centre. When he got there, he found Nana and Sanji near the entrance, they quickly shushed him before he could say anything.
He came closer and noticed that they were looking at Kyousuke and Safalin having an conversation in a dimmed room. Miki was also nowhere in the sight.
"What?" Kyousuke's voice was clear enough to be heard by them. 

"...could help?" 

Safalin, speaking softer than the man, was harder to hear, but they could mostly make out what was she talking about.
"I don't want your help" 

"Are you sure? This device won't erase anything but painful memories" 

The doll tried to assure him.
"I'm positive" he answered harshly "The memories- they hurt. I-I might be tired of that, and it might eat me from inside, but I'm not going to use some machine to get rid of it. I-I don't want to loose any memories of him, no matter if they are good or bad" he was trying to keep the firm tone while speaking, but his voice betrayed him few times, breaking. 

"I-I understand" 

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"I-I understand" 

Safalin said, looking down apologetic. 

"B-but if you ever change your mind, know that it is safe to use once. You can a-ask Sanji to be reassured" 

After hearing that Nana and Haseon looked at the twin, surprised.
'Sorry' he wrote in his newly acquired notebook, that Haseon noticed only now.
Younger boy looked down, ashamed.
"Don't be sorry Sanji"
He looked up.
"If I understood correctly, the machine erases only painful memoires, right?"
Sanji nodded.
"Then you shouldn't be sorry" Haseon patted teen's head "It's okay if you felt that was better for you"
Sanji stopped after that gesture, then signed something and hugged Haseon tightly.

"Then you shouldn't be sorry" Haseon patted teen's head "It's okay if you felt that was better for you"Sanji stopped after that gesture, then signed something and hugged Haseon tightly

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