A Hospital Visit

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You, Winter, Rocka and Crystal were driving to the nearby hospital, clearly going over the speed limit but Rocka wasn't caring. You were in the back with Winter, clenching onto your stomach, preparing for some vomit to be hurled to which she had a bucket for. You were taking in deep breaths as you let the fear and pain settle in to your overall pain and agony. Winter patted your back when she put down the bucket and began to hold your hand. You glanced over to her and she looked down at you.

She was giving you the most sympathetic and concerned look you have ever seen her give. You gripped her hand as you took deep breaths, trying to calm down. Winter pulled you closer to her and just held you as you all drove to the hospital. Finally, the four of you arrived. You were slow to get out of the car but Winter and Rocka helped you out. You both wandered over to the main entrance. However, Rocka stepped in front of you and stopped you from entering. He put a hand on your shoulder and looked you dead in the face.

Rocka: (Y/N), she'll be fine. It's your mother. She-

(Y/N): Not now, Rocka!

You shoved yourself off of Winter's grip and past Rocka and into the hospital. After some confrontation with the receptionists, you ran through the halls of the hospital and found your mother's room. Your father, uncle and mother's teammates were already present.

Father: (Y/N)! Thank God you are-

You didn't listen and try to run into the room. Your mother's teammates were quick to stop you and hold you back, but you still fought through them. Or at least, you attempted to.

(Y/N): Let me through!

Father: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Let me see my mother, damnit!

Winter: (Y/N)!

Winter grabbed you and dragged you off of the other three women. Rocka and Crystal also entered and ran to Rocka's wife. Winter got you away from the entrance and back with your father and uncle.

Winter: General Ironwood.

Ironwood: Winter, family business. No need to be formal.

Father: Seconded. (Y/N), you need to take a deep breath and-

(Y/N): Calm down?! Calm down??!! My MOTHER was SHOT in the back!!! And you want me to calm down!!!

A doctor came up and placed a hand on your shoulder. You were quick to turn around, anger still on your face. Winter slowly pushed you back to your father and uncle as the doctor cleared his throat to speak.

Doctor: We've examined her spinal cord. The bullets hit at some...strong points. In short, she'll never walk again. She'll have to retire as a huntress. I'm not sure how much that would affect her psychologically but this much is certain. I'm sorry.

Father: Is there anything you can do? Maybe take the bullets out and with some surgery-

Doctor: It's all theatrical at this point in time. The bullets are out of her body but the idea she can walk again with prosthetic aid...that could be more damaging than the bullets. I'm sorry. There isn't anything we can do. She should be up in a few hours. You can stay until discharge.

The doctor walked off, typing something on his data pad. Anger swelled up once again inside you. You walked over to the other wall and slowly slide down it. Paralyzed from the waist down. Paralyzed. You gripped your head, still letting the pain settle inside you.

Your uncle placed a hand on your father's shoulder and hugged him.

Ironwood: I'm sorry, Richard.

Winter Schnee X Male Reader: Childhood FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now