Chapter Ten

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"I can't believe you had sex in a car at a park." Hitoshi said with a shocked face on.

"I know but I never suggest it, ever. Don't do it. Alright? Because that flash Hizashi saw is very important to this, to what I'm telling you." Shouta said, being serious with his son.

"Did someone actually take a picture of you two? That's fucked up." He furrowed his brows a bit.

"Mhm but we didn't really think about it. Just thought Hizashi saw something, that it wasn't anything really. We went on as normal, nothing changed much except we just were closer. We still kept it under wraps but there judge as something different. I could feel how much closer got after that."

"So the picture?"

"Oh yeah, well the picture. One day Hizashi didn't come to school, he got sick. So I just rode the bus again..."

"Hello Mr. Aizawa, may I see you after class?" The light voice of his teacher said to him as she handed back his test.

"Alright." Shouta nodded and looked at his test.

Shouta missed Hizashi, class was so boring and now the teacher wants to talk to him. His grades were slipping a little though. His study sessions with Hizashi had become more makeout sessions. When the class left he stayed seated and watched her, she motioned him up and he sighed slightly. He moved to the front desk and looks at his test again. This is a pretty shitty grade...he sighed against as he felt at the paper.

"Do you know why I've asked to see you?" She asked gently.

"Because of this? And all my other grades. I'm sorry they've been slipping, I guess I've been distracted." Shouta replied.

"Distracted? Here or at home sweetie?" She asked, as nicely as ever.

"Kinda both I guess." He shrugged.

"Is something going on at home?"

"No..." yes.

"What about here? Is it because of Hizashi? He is quite talkative but I've noticed you two are friends, I'm glad."

"Yeah we're friends, I dunno. I wouldn't say he's a distraction at all but-"

"But he's the distraction. I understand this young love deal, love gets in the way of a lot of stuff. I can tell, your grades are dropping."

" I don't think you've got this right at all I-"

"Listen Shouta, a student from another class told me you two have been hiding down very explicit PDA in the closets and bathrooms of this school. During class time."

"W.what?! No way. We don't do that stuff. No, we're just friends. And we.we aren't stupid. School property that's just-"

The woman pulled out her phone and started to flip through photos and videos told them. He shrunk into his seat and his anxiety spiked through the roof. Even the car was in the bit and he shrunk more. He was pissed, so pissed someone would think it's okay to do this but more scared than anything. If he dad found out he would never aloud out of the house again and he'd get the shit beaten out of him. Or if Hizashi parents found out, his relationship with them would be ruined. He bites at his lip nervously as he watched her flip though everything. Wait, why does she have them on her phone? Oh shit she's gonna tell the school board. Then they're gonna tell our parents. I'll never get to see him again and I'll be ruining his life, his family will hate him. And my dad...

"Please don't tell the school, please. I can't have that happen. I swear we won't be doing anymore on school property. We'll be more careful. A.and I'll study more, get my grades up." Shouta said quickly.

"I made the student that have these delete everything and keep hushed about it, okay?" She said and stood up.

"Thank you so much, I'm so sorry. I promise we won't do that anymore. And I'll pay more attention in class." He said, relieved a bit.

"I still have to tell the school board, this is very inappropriate."

" please don't. Please...I'm begging you...I can't have it happen..."

"Well Listen here, little Shouta. I can't have you doing this again. And the only way you're going to learn is if I tell them and you two get punished."

"No please! Please Miss!"

"You're cute when you beg."


Shouta shrunk into his seat and wiped the welling tears from his eyes. He sniffled a little and didn't exactly like that she said that—made him extremely uncomfortable.

"You see I told her I'd do anything for her not to share those photos with anyone, she took that very literal. And very wrong. I meant more of extra credit or cleaning up around her room or even cleaning the school. She didn't exactly want those things..." Shouta sighed as he thought about it.

"What did she want?" Hitoshi moved closer, setting his hand on his dad's arms.

"My teacher's name was Miss Shinsou, my English teacher..." he replied and sighed a bit as he hunched down a little, "this is where your mother comes in."

"! Wait mom was your teacher a.and..." he stuttered our quickly, his body tensed a little. "How the hell is she still at that school?!"

"She was fresh out of college so pretty young still. I never told anyone about what happened. I could never get it out, it just...saying I was-" he shakes his head and sighed, "see almost 17 years later and I can't say it. It's just hard."

"So..." the teen let it set in a little, "I'm a rape kid...?"

"No, don't think of yourself like that. You're my son, not that. Okay? I wouldn't trade you for anything Hitoshi, I love you. Don't say that."

"You'd trade me to not be raped though, don't lie."

"Alright...Maybe way back then I would've but now I wouldn't. I love you so much Hitoshi, you're all I have left. You're my son and I don't care how you came about, I just care you're here and you're okay."

"So why do you have me? Why doesn't she?"

"She didn't believe in abortion and frankly I didn't want that to happen either. She told me she wanted to put you up for adoption or something but I was adopted and I went though so much abuse I didn't want to put you though that. So when she had you I was already graduated and moved in to an apartment with Hizashi..."

"I wasn't home that day, I was working. Apparently she left you in front of our door and knocked then ran off. Hizashi was the one that found you and for us dating for almost 2 years and me having a newborn. It looked bad. When I got home he had his things packed and started to go off on me. About how he couldn't believe I cheated and stuff like that. I wish I could've told him but I just couldn't get it out. I kept stumbling over my words and the more he yelled the more freaked out I got. When I noticed that he was crying with all the yells I felt like literal shit because I hurt him so much and he just left like that. I should've tried harder but I didn't, I just let him leave." Shouta sighed loudly and pushed his hands through his hair.

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