Chapter Sixteen

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        Hitoshi woke up Saturday morning pretty somewhat early, his natural clock was kicking him out of bed. He sighed. I wish I could sleep like dad...damn. He rubbed his fluff of a hairstyle and looked around before taking in a deep breath and stretching. He sniffed a little and his brows furrowed up. He up early to be cooking breakfast. He got up and fixed his sweatpants before peeking out of his room and looking around. He walked down the hallway before stopping and tilting his head a bit. It was not in fact his dad cooking but the tall long haired blonde he brought back to meet his dad. He scrunched his face a little as he moved closer, the floor freaked and he froze. Did he hear me? He squints a bit before he notice the blonde was still humming and cooking happily. He walked over and took a seat by the counter and looked the other over a bit. He's still here...and he's only in his boxers. Gross... he sighed and then tilted his head.

"You stayed?" Hitoshi said a bit loud which made the other jump.

"Oh shit, oh hi. Um morning...Hitoshi, right?" Hizashi said back and then looked down at himself and sighed, he completely forgot about the kid.

"Mhm, so you're still here?" He asked and got up to grab some tea.

"Well yeah, your dad and I were talking and it got really late. He invited me to stay and talk more." He smiled and went back to cooking.

"I know, heard all the talking you were doing all night."

"Shit, I'm sorry. Ugh, that's such a dick move. ." He rubbed the back off his neck when he saw the boy eyeing the hickey on his neck.

"What? You fucking my dad after I invited you over to see him again for the first time in 16 years?"

"Well...when you make it sound like that. Yeah."

"I don't mind." Hitoshi shrugged and went back to sitting down, watching the other start filling the plates.

"Excuse me? I don't believe I heard you right.." Hizashi asked slowly as he sets a plate down in front of the kid.

"You're the first guy that stayed until morning with my dad and made breakfast, hope you wash your hands." He shrugged a bit and started to fork at the food, "you must plan on staying around. Right?"

"If your dad will let me, definitely. I don't want to leave."

" long as you make him happy, I really don't care what you two do. Just please don't be another asshole..." he went quiet and started to eat the food.

        Hizashi nodded a bit before turning around and grabbing the other two plays. His scrunched his face a bit and walked back to Shouta's room, setting their plates on the nightstand and pats him softly. Shouta groaned and rolled over, which made Hizashi gently shake him this time.

"Hey I made breakfast, you sleepy head." Hizashi hummed and watched Shouta slowly start to squint his eyes open.

"Mmm thanks." Shouta slowly sat up and yawned.

"You're kid is amazing, you know that right?" He asked and hands him the plates.

"Huh?" He tilted his head a bit.

"So like, Hitoshi heard us...going at it. And I felt like super bad. But basically—your kid said that he could care less what we doing as long as your happy. You know not many kids would be so chill with a random dude fucking their parents just so they would happy. He cares a ton about you."

"He said that?"

"Mhm, I got Hitoshi's blessing~" he smiled and started to eat.

"Well...that's really good...he's really okay?" He smiled back and got up, getting dressed.

"I mean, I think so?"

"Come back out with me and put on a shirt."

Shouta fixed himself up and grabbed his plate, walking out. He smiled softly as he watched Hitoshi eat. He came over and sat beside his son, watching how he relaxed and sets his head on his dad's shoulder. Hizashi comes out and smiled brightly at the two when he took a seat at an empty chair and continued to eat.

"Morning 'Toshi..." Shouta said softly.

"Morning dad..." Hitoshi said back picking at the last few bites.

"I love you...I really do. You're the best son anyone could ask for. And if Hizashi isn't someone you you want around, just say so. I know you think Hizashi is the only person that can make me happy but you're very very important to me and make me so happy." He said making his son turn to face him.

"I love you too...I really make you happy? I'm not just a mistake?"

"You make me extremely happy and I'm sorry I never expressed it. You're never a mistake to me Hitoshi. Come here." He pulled his son close and hugged him, kissing his forehead.

Hitoshi sniffed a little and hugged onto Shouta tightly, nuzzling his face into his shirt. He took a deep breath as he held on, glancing over at Hizashi. He smiled between the two and moved off the hug, finishing his food and standing up.

"I'm going to go hang out with Denki today, I figured two might want to catch up. Go on a date or something." Hitoshi said and fixed his shirt.

"Alright, well be careful. Call or text me if you need anything, Alright?" Shouta said abck as he messed at his son's hair.

"Okay dad, I'll see you tonight." He stood up and grabbed his pocket, waving.

"Have fun kid!" Hizashi waved and smiled brightly as he watched the boy go out the door.

Hitoshi smiled to himself as he closed the door, locking up the apartment before walking down the stairs and going outside. He stretched and sat on the bench before Denki rolled up into the parking lot. He got up and walked over, getting into the passenger side with a soft smile before he glanced at the blonde.

"So how's everything going?" Denki asked curiously.

"It's going...really good actually. Hizashi seems like a very nice guy and my dad was smiling like crazy." Hitoshi said back.

"That's awesome! Well so are you! You don't smile often so I was guessing it went good!" He grinned excitedly as they sat in the parking spot.

"And it's really thanks to you..." the violet haired one muttered before quickly leaning over the seat.

Before Denki could say anything he felt Hitoshi cup his cheek and kiss him slowly, his lashes fluttering quickly. For a moment he thought he had short circuited, his brain frying a little. He had no idea what to do but to go dumb and slowly kiss back. His hand setting not Hitoshi's arm a little and moved close, getting all red and blushy before Hitoshi moving away.

"" Denki smiled dumbly and put a thumbs up, "that was great."

"Yeah, it was...let's go get something to eat." Hitoshi smiled a bit.

"Yeah, definitely! I'm totally taking you on a date after that!" The blonde smiled brightly before starting the car again and driving off with the boy.

The End

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