Chapter Three

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Once they got everything put away and organized just how they found it Hitoshi closed up the drawer and had Denki try to lock it back up, which he really couldn't. They walked over and sat on the couch, starting to watch tv before the door opened and Shouta walks in, glancing at the two.

"Hi Denki, I didn't know you'd be over." Shouta said as he stretched.

"Oh yeah, sorry. It was kinda last minute dad." Hitoshi said and looked over.

"I don't care, he's my favorite of your friends." He shrugged and goes to the kitchen.

"Aw Yeah! I'm the favorite friend." Denki points to himself and smiled.

"You're my only friend." Hitoshi pointed out.

"Shhh let me have this moment."

        Shouta smiled at the two and goes to the kitchen, looking at what they have to make for dinner. His eyes glancing through the cupboards a bit then to the refrigerator. Shinsou watched and then looked back at the tv a bit. Wonder if he realized we got into his drawer yet...? He bites at his lip and leans into the couch more, he watched his dad start to cook and he blinked a few times. Could me dad be gay? I mean...he doesn't really seem like it? He'd tell me those things, wouldn't he? We tell each other almost everything... He furrowed his brows a bit and messed with his hands. Well I really don't care about that right now, I care about finding my mom. He got his phone and looked up her name, starting to look through the results. Denki glanced over and moved closer to look.

"She's gotta have some kind of social media? I mean your dad is only 33 so he's still young and hip sooo..." Denki whispered as he watched.

"Yeah, you're right. She's probably young too so she's gotta have one." Hitoshi agreed quietly as he looked.

"Boys do you want rice or noodles?" Shouta asked and looked over at them.

"Rice!" Denki smiled.

Hitoshi nodded in agreement as he scrolled through. He found a few different pages but none of them seemed to look like what he thought his mom would look like. He sighed a little and ran his hand through his hair. Denki looked over and clicked a page, looking over the profile a bit and sighed too. Shouta glanced over at the two boys on the couch.

"What you two doing?" Shouta asked.

"Nothing really dad, just looking through Instagram." Hitoshi answers.

"You're not talking to anyone right? Strangers I mean." He said slowly.

"Of course not dad." He shakes his head.

"What's with your dad and that?" Denki whispered.

"He's just a little protective over me, that's all." He answered.

After a while Hitoshi found a locked profile on Facebook, glancing over the profile. Just another pretty girl but this one had purple hair and just...really gave him that idea what his mom would be. He looked over the bio and blinked a few times. She teaches at dad teaches too! So they have similarities, maybe I could see her. UA isn't far from here at all. He looked over and Denki and showed him a bit. The blonde grins as he looked at the picture. He nods a little and gives a thumbs up.

"We gotta see go see her." Denki mumbled.

"Yeah definitely.." Shinsou smiled a little bit.

"Dinner is ready you two, come on." Shouta said and sets plates on the counter.

"Thanks dad." Hitoshi shut off his phone and tucks it into his pocket.

"Yeah thanks!!!" Denki grinned as he came over.

After a few hours of talking and hanging out Denki went home to his family. Hitoshi hugged him and locked up the door before going over and sitting by the counter. He watched as his dad started to clean the dishes, blinking a few times. He saw his hair was in a little bun again and he just looked tired all over again. He needs to sleep...but he doesn't want help with the chores or anything. He sighed a bit and scoots the chair a bit.

"I can do that dishes." Hitoshi suggested.

"It's fine, you have any homework to do?" Shouta asked.

"Nope, I finished it all." He said back.

"You always do, you're such a smart kid."

"Yeah, it's 'cause you're a my mom-"

"Hitoshi, we talked about this. You don't need to know her."

"But dad! I'm 16 now. I just wanna know something!"

"Don't raise you voice with me Hitoshi, she's not important to this family. If she cared she would've helped me support you, but she doesn't. Does she? So no. You don't need to ever meet her."

Hitoshi looked down and got up, rubbing the back of his neck a bit. Well whatever, I know her name and where she works now. So I really don't need your help. I'll just...just ask her myself. He moved out of the kitchen and goes to his room, closing the door and laying on the bed. After getting comfortable he started to hear the radio turn on in the kitchen and he furrowed his brows again. Again? Really? Damn it's all the time. I swear, I grew up listening to that radio. He rolled his eyes and rolled over a bit, grabbing his headphones and puts them on. He grabbed his phone and plugged them in before playing some music. Damn sometimes it's just so fucking frustrating. I'll have Denki drive me over to UA tomorrow, leave a little early from school to make sure to catch her. Yeah. He smiled a little, rubbing his tired eyes. I'm gonna meet my mom.

Regrets and Secrets (EraserMic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora