Chapter Four

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"Morning Hitoshi, I made some breakfast for ya." Shouta said as he watched his son walk out of the room.

"I'm not really hungry dad, I'm gonna head out." Hitoshi mumbled and grabbed his hoodie, pushing it on and grabbing his backpack.

" sure you don't want anything?" He asked slowly and looked at the boy.

"Yep, I'm sure." He nodded and slipped on his shoes before tying them up.

"Um, well...okay, uh. Have you good day. I love you."

"You too."

         Hitoshi moves out of the apartment and started walking to school, he didn't mean to be an asshole but he was just mad that his mom has been this close the whole time and never once did his dad bother. He sighed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck, huffing a bit. He heard a loud honk and jumped a little, looking over at the bright yellow car, then that sparky blonde peek out as he stopped.

"Hitoshi! Get in! I need to start picking you up so you don't gotta walk all the time." Denki grinned and unlocked the door.

"Oh, uh thanks." Hitoshi nodded and goes to the other side, getting in and buckling up.

"Sooo did you say anything to your dad about this?" He asked as he started to drive to the school.

"No, he doesn't need to know." The other looked out the window a bit.

"Oh, so you guys had a little bicker last night?"

"No...not really. Just..." he sighed a little and pushed a hand through his hair, "if he keeps secrets from me. Then I can, right?"

"I mean, I guess?"

"When do you want to meet so we can go there?"

"Uuuuh, hm. Maybe like 20 minutes before the bell rings?"


Hitoshi nodded and looked around a bit. Denki felt bad they there were arguing over this, he knew they had a really good relationship but Hitoshi was very serious about this. It was something he talked about to the blond all the time, so he's a bit headstrong. Once they got to the school Denki parked his car and grabbed his bag, getting out and waiting for Hitoshi. He locked up the car and then walked in with his quiet friend. Hitoshi goes to his locker and opens it up, setting his back in and grabbing out his books he needed for the class.
The day seemed so long but as soon as he could get out of his class he did, faking a note and everything. Hitoshi went right to his lockers and grabbed his bag before going out back to Denki's car, looking around a bit. The blonde peaked out from the window and waved him over with a bright smile.

"You're already out?" Hitoshi asked as he got in.

"Hell yeah dude, I just texted my mom and asked her to call me off for the rest because I didn't feel good." Denki grins.

"My dad would never." He smiled a bit as he watched.

"Sooo UA right?"


"Okie Dokie, time to find yo' mama!"

Hitoshi smiled a little as he watched Denki drive to the highschool. He looked around slowly and blinked a few times as he stared at the window. About 10 minutes later they arrived in the parking lot. Denki parked his car and looked over at Hitoshi. He was messing with hand and would run the back of his neck, grabbing at the small hairs and tugging a little worried. What if she's not here...? O.or she just absolutely hates me and...I-

"You okay 'Toshi?" Denki asked slowly.

"Uh Yeah, sorry just...I've waited 16 years for this. I guess I'm just over thinking." Hitoshi said back.

"You do that a lot, I can tell. Well, want me to come in with you?" The blonde tilted his head.

"No, uh...I can go talk to her. It's okay. I'll be back out. You just chill here. Okay?"

"Alrighty, coolio! Tell me how it goes, all the details!"

"Of course."

Hitoshi smiled at the other before he got out of the car. He looked around at the huge high school and blinked a few times. Holy shit...with how big it is you'd think they wouldn't need tests and exams to get in but I guess not. This is insane. He rubbed the back of his neck before glancing back at the yellow car. He saw his friend give him thumbs up and he nodded in response. He walked to the door and went to open t but it was locked up tight. He furrowed his brows before noticing a camera and then a doorbell with a speaker on the side. Wow, pretty serious. No one getting in with this kinda crap. He pressed the bell and waited a bit.

"Hello, what's your business?" A woman said.

"I'm here to see Emiko Shinsou please?" Hitoshi looked up at the camera.

The door unlocked and he walked in, walking over to the woman's desk and sighing in. He then asked for her room number. Once he got the number he started up for the steps, taking in all the glory of this highschool. Shit I'm kinda scared to touch anything, feels so expensive. He rubbed his lips together and started to look for the numbers on the door, noticing a few students who were in nice uniforms. He then looked down at himself. You're wearing a black hoodie and ripped up jeans and super old converse to this fancy ass school. Really? How did they even let you in? He stopped at the door and looked at the little slip of paper before looking back at the door. He bites his lip and knocked slowly.

"Come in," A sweet voice came from the other side.

Hitoshi let out a deep breath and grabbed the handle. No turning back now. He slowly opened the door and peeked inside.

Regrets and Secrets (EraserMic)Where stories live. Discover now