Chapter Thirteen

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          It wasn't exactly his place to tell everything but that's what Hitoshi did, told Hizashi every single thing his dad had told him. He messed with hands and the sleeves of the mesh shirt, fiddling around with his hair even at one pointed. He was speaking a little quiet at some parts and quicker at others, trying to explain everything. Hizashi listened very carefully, watching how the boy reacted and started to look extremely put down by all of this. He bites his lip and tucked his hair back, thinking a bit.

"I.I'm just some rape kid th.that ruined my dad's life." Hitoshi rubbed his eyes and started to teared up.

"Shit, Hey. Hitoshi don't, you didn't do anything wrong. Don't say that. Hey. I'm no family councilor or anythin' but you did absolutely nothing wrong. Okay?" Hizashi watched and touched his arm a bit slowly, "Shouta really told you all off this?"

"Mhm...h.he said he's never told anyone before. It's not his fault. He was scared and he couldn't say it. It freaked him out a.and made him panic." He rubbed his cheeks and sniffles a bit.

"Damn, I knew something was up..." he sighed and pushed his hair back, "Do you think you could take me to go see your dad? I'd really like to talk to him..."


"Mhm, if you'd let me. I would definitely like to talk to him."

" can come tonight when your done and-"

"Right now. I'll tell Nemuri something popped up."

"Really? Really? Are you sure?"

"I really want to talk to him Hitoshi."

"O.okay...uh yeah. Alright. Let me text me friend."

Hitoshi: Hizashi wants to come meet my dad

Denki: Awesome!!!

Hitoshi: R u staying here or?

Denki: I'll drive you over if you want, he can follow.

Hitoshi got up and looked at before he saw Denki waving at him. He waved back a bit and Hizashi came back from talking to Nemuri. He looked at the two and smiled at the new kid, looking at his jacket and then looking at his own.

"Sweet jacket." Hizashi complimented.

"You too! You have an awesome sense in style." Denki grinned.

"So do you, like the cool mark in your hair." He said back.

"And that mustache is awesome!" He said back.

Jeez, these two are like the exact same...

"Okay we can start heading out. Denki is gonna drive me, you can just follow over. Is that okay?" Hitoshi asked.

"Yep that sounds fine with me." Hizashi said back.

Hitoshi And Denki got in the car and waited for Hizashi to talk to the woman. After a while he pulled his car around, following the others. After a while of driving Denki pulled over to the apartment building and Hizashi parked behind him. Hitoshi looked around and got out, waving at his friend a bit. He reached over and grabbed his hoodie and slipped it on.

"Do you need me to stay?" Denki asked, tilting his head.

"Nope I'm all good. Thank you so much for all the help...I'll let you know what happens. I'll return all the clothes too. And pay you for gas." Hitoshi said back.

"No need, have fun! Let me know, definitely." Denki waved and drove off.

        Hitoshi watched Denki drive off and he fixed his hoodie a bit. He then glanced over at Hizashi getting out of his car. He looked up at the apartment building and bites his lip. The teen walked over slowly, looking at him to make sure he was okay.

"So uh...when we get to the room can you wait in the hall until I let you in?" Hitoshi asked slowly as he opened the building door.

"Yeah that's fine," Hizashi nodded and then fixed his jacket. "Do I look okay?"

"Uh yeah? I dunno." He shrugged a little and walked to his apartment.

        Once Hitoshi got to the apartment he unlocked the door and walked in. He looked around and smelled some food. He smiled as he noticed his dad cooking, slowly closing the door and walking over. Hizashi stayed right there, waiting and listing for anything. He fixed his hair and every piece of jewelry; he wanted to make sure everything was perfect.

"I didn't expect you to be home so early, Hitoshi. Figured you and Denki you'd stay together longer." Shota said.

"Yeah. I dunno, I guess I just got tired." Hitoshi said back, watching a bit.

"Well I can had more food to the pan if you want." He said back.

"Yeah maybe, I um...I brought a friend over..if that's okay?"

"A friend? Denki or someone else?"

"Someone else actually."

"Oh, well...I'm glad you're making new friends. Sure, are they just waiting out there. Come on 'Toshi, don't make the guest feel unwanted."

"A.alright just...don't be mad, yeah?"

"Mad, what do you me-"

        As Hitoshi opened the door slowly the blonde slowly peeled his head out from the Hal and into the doorway. Hizashi bites his lip before slowly smiling and walking into the apartment. Shouta looked over and instantly dropped the pan onto the ground, his eyes widened before he quickly bent down to clean it up. Hitoshi bites his lip and walked over before he notice the look on his dad's face and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
Hizashi walked over and watched slowly, looking over the other.

"Hitoshi-" Shouta started and was quickly cut off.

"I'm gonna go pee!" Hitoshi shouts and ran off to his room quickly.

"Hitoshi!" Shouta stood up before he looked over at the blonde and then looked down, "shit..."

"Hey Shouta, it's been a while." Hizashi said slowly as he stayed in front of him, a few feet away.

"Yeah it has, listen. 'Toshi is in his little curious rebellious phase right now. He's kinda doing whatever he feels. You don't gotta stay. I told him not to bother you." He sighed and puts the pan into the sink.

"It's fine, I don't mind really. Seems like a pretty cool kid actually." He smiled as he watched a bit, "he did tell quite a few things though..."

"He did? Like what?"

"Well he came about."

"Of course he did, I'm so sorry. I just...ugh, I never told anyone because I didn't want this attention and it's just-"

"I'm sorry."


Shouta looked over at the other and blinked a few times. He watched Hizashi walk close and he backed up against the counter. His hands sets softly on it and locked eyes with the blonde once he stopped. They weren't touching but pretty damn close to.


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