Chapter Six

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On the way home Hitoshi hugged the bag of McDonald's, picking out a few fries. He started to tell Denki everything his mother told him and sniffled a bit. His cheeks all red from crying and his eyes a bit puffy. Denki started to rant about how much of a bitch she was for saying that. The purple haired one reached into the bag and grabbed our some nuggets and started to eat those as well before blonde rolled up to his apartment apartment.

"I'm really sorry about that, man if I was inside with you I would've just like sucker-punched her man." Denki said as he parked the car.

"It's alright, my dad warned me about it. It's fine. Thank you for driving me around and getting me food, how much do I owe you?" Hitoshi asked.

"Nothin' Alright? You had a shitty day, I'm making you happy!"

"You sure...? I can pay you back. Just because my mom was a bitch doesn't mea-"

"Shush, I have made my mind up. You don't gotta pay me back. Just get inside and relax, call me if you need anything. I'm always here for ya."

"Alright, thank you again." He leaned over and hugged the blonde before getting out and waving.

Hitoshi walked up to their apartment and grabbed his keys from his bag. He unlocked the door and walked in, holding his bag of food. He tossed off his book bag and kicked off his shoes before he felt himself getting worked up again. He sighed and sat on the couch eating his food, he could hear the shower and he pushed his hand through his hair. He then looked down at his food. I don't really have much for my dad...I'll cook dinner tonight. He gets up and walked over to the kitchen to see what they had. A mistake huh...he bites down on his lip. I must've ruined their lives coming along randomly...'cause I mean...I'm a mistake? He was so lost in thought he didn't hear the shower shut off.
Shouta got dressed and walked out, looking over at his son and noticed how much the boy had been crying. He furrowed his brows and glared a bit, ready to beat any asshole who gave his son shit. He walked over and touched his shoulder gently, making Hitoshi snap back into reality.

"Sorry, I was just looking to see what I could make is for dinner." Hitoshi mumbled.

"What's wrong? You've been crying." Shouta said bluntly and watched.

"It's really nothing..." he shrugged and started to walk out to the couch.

"No, Hitoshi. I'm your dad, I know something is wrong. You can talk to me. You can trust me."

"Can I? Can I really?"

"Woah, of course you can."

"Because you don't ever tell me shit! You expect me to tell you everything that's wrong with me but you never ever tell me anything! I know I was an accident and I know I was a mistake with some fling you had with my mom! And she told me up front within 5 minutes of know her and I've known you for 16 fucking years!"

"She told you everything-Wait. When did you go see her? How do you even know who she is?"

"I'm not a fucking dumbass. I see you crying and I see you hiding shit. I can find stuff. I begged for so many years to just know something. And she tells me I'm a fucking mistake, an oops. I just wanted to know. And...and..." he looked around, just blood pumping and tears welling up to his face.

"Hitoshi, calm down. We can talk about this more. I can't believe you went digging through my things though." Shouta went to touch his arm before the boy ripped it away.

"Because you NEVER told me anything!" He goes over to the locked drawer and kicked it hard, a few tears fallin. "This fucking drawer it's self holds so many damn secrets. I wanna know everything. I wanna know what happened with you and mom, you guys were just a fling? And who's that guy in all those pictures? And my grandparents, why don't I know about them? And why you're always crying when you listen to that radio."

"Alright! Alright...alright Hitoshi. Let's go sit on the couch and I'll tell you. Okay? Come on."

"I.I'm sorry I yelled much dad..." he started to cry more.

"It's fine Hitoshi, it's okay. You're okay, I understand. It's my fault." Shouta said gently and kissed his forehead before taking them over to sit on the couch.

"I'm sorry I left school early go see her." Hitoshi sniffled as he sat on the couch.

"It's okay."

Shouta watched his son calm down and he hugged him gently, pushing his hand through his hair and sighed. He kissed his head and then sat back, looking at his sad and tired son. He gave a sad smile and thought about everything.

"Okay...I'll tell you what happened. You're no mistake okay? You may have been an accident but I don't think of you as that. Your my son and I absolutely love much...okay? I'm going to tell you the truth...alright?" Shouta said and stood up to walk to the drawer and opening it up, grabbing out a few of the pictures and came back over.

"Al.alright dad.." Hitoshi watched and rubbed his cheek.

"Is this the guy who you wanted to know about?" He sat back down and showed him pictures of him and the blond.

"Yes.." he nodded.

"Okay...well, I'll tell you okay? But please don't think anything bad of yourself or me. Okay?"

"O.okay dad..."

"Alright..." he took in a breath and sighed, "I was 15 when I moved to my new school..."
Flashback mode ya'll!!!

Regrets and Secrets (EraserMic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن