Chapter 25: An Unavoidable Meeting

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I knew immediately as soon as she said my name. "VOID? Of all times I did not expect to meet you here."

"Lightning! Not here! What happened to your sense of safety?!" Void whispered rapidly, almost assuredly glancing around at my friends, although I couldn't see her beautiful violet eyes under the shadowy veil of darkness.

"Don't worry Void, these are very good friends of mine I would trust with my life. I have also met up with Techno... We are now housing together. Would you like to do the same? I have a nice place that is well guarded."

"Anything is better than the metal floor I have been sleeping on for the longest time. Where is Techno now? Have you met any of the others?" Void countered.

"Techno is here with me today... She is somewhere in the crowd. As far as the others I have not had any contact."

"I escaped with Mason and we still live together."

"Did you guys manage to find a good place to live?" I pressed

Void's tone shifted to slightly melancholy. "Not really we have been on the move for a while now. Right now we are living in a hollowed out building."

"Are you interested in rooming with me? I have a decent place with electricity, net, food storage, and water... water-ish." I shrugged

"Water 'ish'? What is that supposed to mean?"

I laughed "Well the water isn't fully cleaned and it isn't perfect cause I don't do plumbing stuffs... Is that a problem?"

"No, it is still better than how we have been living, not to mention it would be fun to be living with the fam again. I presume Techno is also living with you?" she replied sounding interested

"Yes." I replied

"Well then it is decided, we will be able to come back with you. When do you want to meet?"

I shrugged "It depends. I have some Public Relations stuff to do for the rebellion. It also kind of depends on where you want to meet, because I will have to account for travel time."

Void thought for a second before replying "I don't know, I have to reach Mason to let her know, but I definitely would be able to get my stuff by around 7. As for meeting place wherever is fine. It is easier to meet in the first city because we don't really have a good mode of transportation."

"I can pick you up by ship, so where isn't really a problem. Meeting here would probably be a good place though because I can easily park in the docks and pretend I am exchanging cargo in the bays."

Void nodded "That sounds good to me. Is there any chance that I could see your ship before we meet up so I know when you arrive and can meet you in a hangar slot."

I pushed my glasses up my nose and looked at the time "Sounds good to me. I probably need to head out soon anyway. Do you guys have any more questions for me or are you good?"

Turning to my friends I saw looks of confusion on their faces.

"Umm... yes... who is this and are they also a mutant?" Boltz asked

"Yes, this is Void, she was one of my friends at the facility." I replied bemused.

"AH... because you just like became a different person." He mused.

"Yeah I can be a little more free speaking now since I don't have to focus on weaving tales without conflicts." I smiled.

He nodded, "Well thats my last question at the moment. At this point it is probably best to let my brain absorb this information."

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