Chapter 16: Homeward Bound

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I started a video call with Georgia as I was walking to explain what I wanted to do I muted the area around me and she was in her private quarters which she created a sound shield for so I knew we couldn't be easily overheard, not to mention the fact that the information wasn't all that critical anyway.

"Do you have to pack still?" I asked

"Yes, Lightning, I am working on that right now if you want to come up and talk in person." She replied

I realized how little i actually knew the layout of the base as far as sleeping quarters were concerned. "I have never actually been there before, can you guide me to the location?"

"Yes, when you get up to the living quarters of the leadership team go to the back of the first hall and turn right, I will be in the girls wing in the first door on the left. Knock 1 time slow, 3 times fast, 1 slow, 2 medium."

Knowing how to give and interpret knock codes was one of the things I opted to be taught to anyone from the rebellion so that we could make sure that we only opened the door to the person who had the correct pattern. Although not fail-safe it did tend to reduce the times that information was leaked or that we opened the door to people who were not rebels and were not expected. It also changed the way we opened the door if it was not the person we were expecting. All of us had an excuse saved for any odd appearance we made so that if someone not from the rebellion opened a door we could explain our position. These changed from mission to mission to ensure they fit well with the situation.

I reached her room and carried out the knock. When I did so she opened the door into the room I had only ever seen in the video call. It was full of tech of all different kinds in addition to the many wires and parts to build the many works in progress that littered the tables, bed, and floor. She was packing a large bag with all of the different tools and stuff that she thought she would need. She had already packed a similarly sized bag that held her clothes. I looked at the bags then back at her with a quizzical expression.

"What do you plan on doing that you need so many tools? You do realize I have all the tools you could imagine and more right? Unless you need extremely specific tools I recommend that you pack on the lighter side... I don't exactly travel by ship." I siad hesitantly.

Georgia looked up quizzically "How do you travel then? I always assumed you hid a ship somewhere and then walked from there."

I laughed, "I fly to and from the sky cities, which means I will be carrying you and your stuff and I would prefer to only have to take one trip. I live in a giant warehouse stocked with all kinds of things from clothes to food and tools so for the most part there is anything you could need. Additionally, I do have a power source so you don't need to pack so many batteries. Also I plan on bringing my ship up tomorrow, I just don't have it finalized and wasn't expecting guests today. You see when you are used to doing things by yourself you don't expect others to suddenly want to go with you. Any rate, grab your computer and whatever basics you need for tonight and we can grab the rest tomorrow."

"Oh, ok" she looked down glumly probably thinking that she was dumb to assume that I used a ship when I could use my wings or even my power to elevate myself. "Well I'll just grab a few things and then we can go. Sorry I didn't think about the fact that you aren't just Lightning any more, but also Nergi the mutant, and Sparks the assassin. What is it like keeping so many personas separate?"

I shrugged, and looked down shifting my feet on the floor. "Surprisingly easy. I mean I do have many years of practice but it is still rather easy. I keep the same attitudes and such and for the most part no one ever sees more than one of my personas, especially since I only have to maintain two of them right now. As far as that goes I only become Lightning within these walls. But the main thing is just to not talk much when I am in my persona as Sparks. I just choose to avoid people except for what I need in the way of getting clients and supplies I need."

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