Chapter 18: Little Flower

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Levi's POV

How did everything fall in so fast and quickly? One second, dinner was done and the next... Hanji's water was broken and we had to get to the hospital as quickly as we could. The timing of Hanji experiencing her contractions and how long until she was giving birth was so long- dinner was long gone. Farlan and Isabel wanted to stay by my side, but only family was allowed to be with her...

They went home in anxious, knowing they wouldn't see our baby until she was born. Hours went by- almost accumulating 15 hours of her experiencing pain. My palms began to sweat in horror, hearing her in pain. But it was all worth it, because Iris was such a beautiful baby.

Her skin tone was just like Hanji's, and the little bit of hair she did have on her head was the same chocolate hair as her mother's. By far, she had inherited most of her mother's physical traits. I am a bit disappointed, seeing that she didn't have anything from me. But there was hope because as she cried, her eyes peeked open a bit.

Hanji was given our daughter, and her eyes light up with joy. Her eyes quickly jumped towards me, forcing me into a trance towards her. I leaned against her, smiling as I lost a bit of hope. Iris cried softly, and her eyes were as caramel brown as Hanji's.

"Look at her, Levi... look at Iris..."

I smiled, shaking away that disappointment feeling. This was my child, and I knew it. There was no doubt about it. Even if she didn't have my physical features, she was my child at heart. There was nothing else to say about it. "She is cute... just like her mother." A kiss was on her forehead from me, seeing how much pain she had to go through. "I'm proud of you, Hanji..."

*   *   *

"Awe, she is so cute..." Isabel says softly to the sleeping infant in Hanji's arms. Farlan was in the background, putting down half a dozen doughnuts on a nearby table. I smiled to him, seeing that at least 3 of them were for Hanji. She always had a sweet taste-bud...

"You can hold her if you want, Isabel. It might wake her a bit, but it's fine. Unless Levi has something else to say." Hanji chuckles softly, looking at me. "Well?"

I rolled my eyes and quickly took a doughnut. "Just be careful and not scream your head off, Isabel. I don't want her going deaf."

Joy filled her eyes as she carefully walks over to Hanji, and I took my eyes off the girls as they were helping each other with Iris. In other words, that little side was the girls' side. It feels too much- there was too much girls now. I wanted something to balance them out.

"Let's hope Isabel doesn't drop Iris on the ground..." I growled softly.

Farlan chuckled softly, patting his hand on my back with such force. "Tsk tsk tsk, Levi. Not trusting her? Why am I not surprised?"

"I trust Isabel completely! It's just... Iris is my daughter- I don't want anything to happen to her. You don't understand that yet- you don't have kids. I'm just... cautious." My confession came out as I smiled when Isabel was gently cradling the cooing Iris. My anxiety went down a bit to see Isabel as a natural aunt.

"Look at that, there's nothing wrong, Levi." Farlan chuckles smugly. "You're overreacting- wait, don't tell me you're gonna be that kind of parent, huh? If you are, don't. Just don't."

"I want to be a proper parent to Iris, Farlan." I said, remembering my mom and unknown dad. You know exactly what I went through, and I don't want Iris to go through that. I would do anything for Hanji and Iris. I have to do this."

Farlan nods his head softly, understanding every little bit. Of all people, he should know what I'm experiencing.  "Alright."

Isabel quickly walked over with Iris blinking her caramel eyes and cooing softly. "She is so cute and adorable, Levi-Bro..."

"Lemme take her off your hands." I smiled and quickly held Iris. How she cooed and smiled gently at me. My heart was being melted because of her, and I thought only Hanji could do this to me. I never thought that Iris would do this to me. "I'm gonna walk outside for a bit- it's a bit too crowded for me."

"To where? The patio?" Hanji asks as I walked over to her.

"Yes, now you need to rest. Just rest, okay?" She nods her head and I kissed her forehead. "I won't be long, I promise."

*   *   *

Walking out onto the patio, I sighed after awhile. Although Iris cooed to calm me down, I couldn't stop worrying. "Look up, Iris..." I say to her gently, "Look up." I then looked up as well, seeing the cotton candy clouds. "You were born here, and I didn't realize how great you were until now. Your mom is amazing, and listen to me, my little flower..." I chuckled even more, looking deep into her eyes. "I will always protect you- no matter what. You hear? You are Iris Isabella Zoe Ackerman. You are my daughter. You are my flower."

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