Chapter 8: Dreams of the Mission

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Levi's POV

"Don't ever leave me?!" I growled at myself for saying those words. As I showered, those words popped back in my head as I realized it was the same words Hanji had said to me when we first met. I just reminded her of her own nightmare. I wanted to say something else, but that was the first response I ever wanted to say to her. "Levi, you're an idiot sometimes..."

*   *   *

"I do not worry for her." I growled over to Erwin.

He chuckled softly in response to that. "You've been overreacting over her. This is the 3rd day in this mission, and already... you're monitoring her behavior. Her sleeping patterns and if she's eating every day. You're worse than Moblit, if I'm honest."

"That's because she goes crazy whenever we're out on an expedition!" Erwin then glared at me, saying that I was contradicting myself. "Don't you worry about her as well?"

"I do, but not as badly as you do." 

"I can and will murder you, Erwin. We're pretty isolated out here... huh? Just us and on the mission. Nothing else, huh? Besides, you would inherit your commander position-". The way Erwin's eyes glinted at me, I knew it. "No... why her? Why would you risk that, Erwin?! She's-".

"Important to you, I understand. But she is the best candidate if I can no longer hold my position."

"Best candidate?! What about me?"

Erwin sighed, and instantly, I knew it wasn't good. There was no way I could persuade him to change it all up. I wanted to protect Hanji with all my might at this point... but she does her. "Levi... you don't seem to have the... how do I say this? The rights to be a commander. For one, your... 'people' skill."

"I can fix that."

"It's a skill that comes naturally, Levi. Hanji can speak to the people, and you basically lay down the truth without any padding. She can do that."

"What about Miche?"

"You've met the guy. He's good and comes in second after you. Again, he's quieter. He won't say that much to the people when a panic with the titans comes. Hanji's a better fit. She may seem a bit... eccentric... but she can handle everything. I'm sorry, Levi... but being a commander doesn't mean for you to be the strongest. It means to talk to the people and plan things out. You don't qualify for that."

I remained silent for a second, before letting my mind out. "Once you pass your title, do I have any powers over the commander?"

"Such as?"

"The ability to overrule whatever she says... as long as it means protecting her at any costs."

This time, Erwin was the one to stay silent. "Fine. I'll allow it." He then turns to me with a heavy sigh. "Just know... you're gonna get yourself hurt in the process of protecting her. Even though her little... mindset can be a bit off, you're always protecting her. She's blind to that... and if you get hurt when she finally realizes it... it will break her. Understand that."

"I understand."

"Seems like we have some trouble down there. Must be Hanji since Moblit's screaming his head off. Go and figure it out."

*   *   *

"Hanji, you're off without any supervision." I growled, seeing her up in the trees with an empty notebook. Her goggles were on her face, and I knew she was staring at something. "What happens if a titan comes after you, huh? No one's gonna know what happened to you."

"Let that be then..." She chuckles, carefully sketching something. "Sit here, sit next to me." I reluctantly do so, looking off to where she was staring at. One gaze at it, I was ready to take my blades out and- "Levi, leave it... it's an abnormal."

"An ugly one at that."

"Calm down." She continued to sketch, and it didn't seem much. More like... a child's drawing- yet improved. "You can kill it once I'm done sketching it. Don't you... ever wonder... how it feels like to be a titan? Immune to all the killing of humans... and just... wandering. How would you feel?"

"They don't feel anything... so... why should I care?"

Hanji shrugs gently, smiling gently. "What if we are somewhat like the titans?"

"Doesn't matter, we're humans and that's that. Don't think of anything else. Anyways... let's head back, Hanji. We're all gonna get worried for you."

"Give me a few minutes, and I'll go."


"Leave me!" I took a step back after hearing that tone... I couldn't leave her- I had this feeling to not leave her. If I had pushed her... I would see the darker side of her- the side that everyone will fear. What did Erwin see in her...? What makes her better? He has different tastes than I do... I saw Hanji as someone who accepted me... so what did he see in her? I may never know. 

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