Chapter 11: That Cabin...

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Hanji's POV

My mind kept getting drawn to that one place... that cabin. "Levi... can we go out on a field trip...?"

"Field trip? Where?"

"That one cabin- where you took me out to the small river. I just... I just want a peek inside." I sighed softly, thinking about that cabin again. "I'm drawn to it, Levi... so... please? We have no classes today- no plans or anything. It's something to keep us busy."

Levi nodded his head, and I could tell he was wanting to go there as well. "Get dressed- and brush your hair, Hanji. I'll get ready as well. Erm... ready in 5." I smiled, jumping on him and squealing gently. "G-Gah! H-Hanji! You're gonna suffocate me on accident..."

I jumped back, chuckling nervously before kissing him on his lips. "Sorry, Levi... I'm just... excited... I can't seem to-".

"Control it- I can tell." His smug smile appeared on his cold face. "That's what I love about you... there's nothing to tie you down. If something does... you continue to go berserk." His firm hands then grabbed me and pulled me onto him. "I truly do love you..."

"You're holding me back..." I said with a smirk growing on my face. "Do you just want to hold me here forever or are we gonna head to that cabin you were gonna take me? It's your choice... since you are the one person holding me back..."

"Four-eyes..." He scoffs before pushing me gently. "Fine... little manipulator..."

"You're the little one-".


I giggled, quickly running to my room. I turned my head just a bit and saw that Levi was right behind me. I squealed a bit in horror as I tried to close my door, but he barged in and tackled me right on the bed. "L-Levi!" After shouting, I shut my mouth immediately because we were living in an apartment- best if I kept silent instead of causing a disturbance to others.

As if on cue, Levi shushed me and kissed me deeply. "We're not in a sound-proof place, four-eyes."

"I-I know..."

"Get dressed... now. No more messing up." Grunts came from him as he forced himself off of me and walked to his room. Once he took a step into his room, Levi turned around and smiled gently before closing the door.

*   *   *

"Careful going inside, Hanji." Levi calls after me as I carefully stepped up to the door.

"I will..."

The rotting wood was creaking and spitting dust out as I stepped on it. My hand reached for the rusty handle and  I turned it once. I had to be careful as I pushed the door- I didn't want the door to break nor did I want to fall through the door. My breath grew ragged as I stepped inside, being greeted by the musty smell. Cobwebs covered every window and corner. Dust was layering all over the place, as if they claimed this whole area. Dust particles were floating all over the untouched cabin. 

"Jeez... there's just... so much... dust."

"It has been abandoned for so many years, Levi... of course there's dust everywhere."

He sighed heavily, looking at everything. "Too bad we're like... trespassing here. I would've just... cleaned all this stuff up. But anyways- don't wander too far, Hanji. Don't want you hurt, okay...?"

"Alright..." I was walking over to one of the bedrooms, and everything began to blur.

*   *   *

A woman with white hair streaked through her brown hair was staring outside the window. She continued to look outside with her eye being glazed over. Another woman who has aged as well walked in. "Commander Hanji..." She says with her crystal blue eyes continuing to shine. "You've seem... difficult..."

"How long... has it been? 30 years? I'm 68 years old, Historia. You're only 49 years old. He died... when I should've saved him. Instead, I was dealing with the Jaegerists as he was sent to die by Zeke Jaeger. He needed his trustworthy person... and the others were just young recruits. I survived, yet he didn't."

"What was it that he said? No regrets?"

"He isn't here to tell me that, is he, Historia?"

Historia sighed heavily, looking away. "No... he's not... but still... we all have our regrets. I've regretted a lot of things since being queen. You had your regrets, and so did Levi. Commander Hanji-".

"I'm no longer the commander, so do not call me that. I have no right to be called that."


"That's enough, Historia." But a smug smile appeared on the woman's face. "Don't worry about me. I'm gonna die soon. Hopefully... I can see him again."

Historia looked up at the woman with worry clouding her eyes. "No, we can do something about that! You can't just accept death!"

"Historia... I've given up already. I've given up on having a family of my own." The woman's wrinkled hand went to her stomach. "After losing so much hope... I thought that I would spend my life with Levi... but as you can see... he's not here, and I don't have any family."


"Leave me, Historia. Next time you'll see me, bring people to bury me. I want to be buried next to Levi please... that's my final wish..."

Historia seemed to nod her head, acknowledging it all. "Yes ma'am. May you die a painless death..."

*   *   *


I looked up and saw myself sitting on the bed- all in a dazed. My eyes looked down and I saw myself being covered in dust. I didn't move... I was just... paralyzed. "I-I'm here..." Was all I was managing myself to say. 

Quick movements in the hall, and suddenly Levi was there. "Tsk... you're covered in dust."

"I know... help me, please?"

"If I wasn't with you... you would be in such a great mess right about now- actually... I take that back." He began to speak as he patted me down. "You would already be in a deep pool of messes that you'll probably be drowning in it- not... yeah..."

"Sorry, Levi..."

He scoffs but helps me up to my feet. "Let's go... we had enough time here at the cabin. We shouldn't be messing around here."

"Good idea..." 

We were moving away from the cabin, but there was multiple times when I had to look back at the cabin. There was this... heavy feeling there- a heavy connection. I couldn't place why... but it had to be because of those nightmares I've been getting. It had to be. This wouldn't make sense at all. Everything I've been seeing has been fitting together like fragments of the stories. I just... needed to figure it out why I've been getting these things. It seemed... too far of a coincidence.

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