✨ Prolouge ✨

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"Uugggh, w-where am I?" Steven held his head in pain, as the boy struggled to get up. He was in a room, sort of like a dungeon, but green. The hybrid was confused of why there were random whips laying on the ground, tangled as if this was tied to something much, much bigger than he was.

Ignoring the whips, he was confused of why his back hurts so much, let alone why he WAS on this ship, and wonders where he was going. Curiosity taking over as always, the boy began to examine the exit.

The exit gate was familiar to the boy, for he remembered that other time where peridot had captured him and his friends in her ship, it was a layer of yellowish light, making a pulsing sound if you near it.

Steven knew he could leave, and that's what the boy did, and started to explore corridor after corridor. This place was much, much smaller than the other ship he had been on, and for that the boy was relieved.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT?!" Steven snapped his neck around to see a big unknown gem. Her face was like a tiger, but a little humanoid. Her left eye was scarred and a long line ran down her face, in the middle of her face is where her gem was located. A single tooth popped out from her mouth, and beginning there for a long time, caused another scar to form around it. The gems neck was longer than a humans, and sides with large black spikes. Her suit dark grey, and on the left chest side show a diamond, non of which Steven had ever seen. Looking down at her feet, Steven noticed that the gems left foot was gone, replaced with a similar robotic version. Her other foot was scarred.

"Well? Go back to your room!" The gem roared, her voice raspy and mean sounding. "Well- before I do, can I have a name?" The gem then bent down to Stevens level, "did I stutter?" The gem spoke in a soft, threatening tone. Steven hates this, yes he was scared, but the boy didn't back down, "did I stutter?" Steven replied with a calm tone, daring the terrifying gem.

The gem seemed to be surprised, then satisfied, "your a tough little one, aren't you?" The gem laughed, then put her hand around the boys back, guiding him back to his room, "well you seemed to be a challenger, so to make you behave, the name's Tiger." Tiger grinned, looking down at the boy. Seeing that she is much friendlier now, Steven felt more conformable to ask, "where am I?" Tiger was surprised, "why, don't you remember? Black diamond wants your presence, so we're taking you to home base." "W-What about my friends?" The boy Now was scared, he didn't want to leave earth. "You mean those off colors back on project cluster? Well they didn't really like your unexpected trip to home base, and tried to attack us. The you came, and turned into this, huge beast! And almost obliterated us! If it wasn't for your lack of knowledge about battling, we would've been shattered."

"So you, kidnapped me?" Steven asked, looking up to tigers face, "now I wouldn't say it THAT! I would say it's more of a.... borrowing thing." Tiger replied, now typing a code into a pad to open the room that Steven was in before, "borrowing something and never giving it back?" The boy stated, backing away from the room entrance. "Now...er- listen, I ain't sugar coating this for you, for all I know you might be shattered. I hope not, and I wish I can take you back, but I don't want to be shattered myself, anyways, in you go!~" tiger pushed the kid slowly into the room, "wait! I don't want to be killed!" The boy exclaimed, fighting the strong gem.

"I'm sorry, to make you feel better, we're two 24 hour marks away from home base, so just- look at the stars." Tiger said, a hint of sadness was showing, but Steven didn't take note of that.

Closing the entrance, now with obsidian bars, Steven began to sob as tiger walked away in silence....

🌟WOO HOO! New book everyone!!! Now I know it's plain right now but I assure you, it's gonna get intense! Anywho, have a great day/night!!!🌟

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