Dinner is Served

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I love that there's so many ppl excited for this story.

The only comments I get these days are from Don't Let Me Go and L'affaire lol

Without further ado


About a month later, Marinette has finally gotten used to most of the routines in the mansion. She was taught how to clean and maintain it. Tikki had even given her a uniform it was a bit plain for Marinette's liking so she decided to spruce it up by adding some of her signature flowers to it.

Marinette got along with the staff pretty quickly just as she expected. Everyone loved the baked treats that she made, especially Plagg who was a very huge fan of her famous cheese bread. He begged for the recipe and in exchange he showed her some of his dishes allowing Marinette to become more familiar with the kitchen. It made Mari happy to bake again, she had almost forgot how much she loved it. It had been sometime since she last did some baking ever since her parents tragic deaths.

Whenever she ran into Adrien it was always pleasant, they never spoke for long, but when they did it was mainly the two catching up the years they didn't see each other. However, just as much as she runs into Adrien she would run into Lila, who didn't hide her distain about Mari being here, but the blunette didn't let it effect her work ethic, just as she wouldn't let her past feelings for Adrien effect it either.

It was now evening and Marinette was in the middle setting the table for the Agrestes to have dinner when suddenly someone came rushing into the dining room.

"Marinette!" Trixx yelled and ran over to the blunette. "We have a major problem!"

"What's wrong?" The young designer asked concerned.

"Kitchen. Now!" Trixx pulled her in the direction of the kitchen.

Marinette followed until they passed the entrance where Wayzz stood in the middle waiting for the two of them. "What's the problem?" She asked again.

"We have a minor setback." Wayzz sighed. "Plagg got his hands on some rotten cheese, got sick, and had to go home early."

"..and now it's an hour before dinnertime and we don't have any dinner!" Trixx finished. "Plagg's the only one who knows his way around the kitchen and knows what the Agrestes like."

"What about Tikki? Doesn't she usually help Plagg in the kitchen?" Marinette questioned.

"She's currently trying to nurse him back to health." Wayzz responded.

"That's why we need your help Marinette!" said Trixx.

Mari was a bit confused. "Me? What can I do?"

"You've cooked with Plagg plenty of times so you must know your way around the kitchen. Do you think you could come up with a meal to serve in less than an hour?"

Marinette was at a bit of a loss for words. She knew she was a good cook, but she wasn't fully familiar with the Agrestes eating schedule. "I'm not sure if what I make will be suitable for the Agrestes, I mean I know Adrien isn't picky, but I would really hate to hear it from Lila."

"There's like a 1 out of 10 chance that she'll be out there having dinner with Mr. Agreste. She tends to dissappear every other night or she just goes to bed early." Trixx groaned.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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