Home Sweet Home

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Did I mention that this story is M rated?

Oh...I didn't...pretend I didn't say anything.


Marinette stared at her cellphone and the number given to her by Nino. Since Adrien and her hadn't been talking much in the past few years she never recieved his new number until now.

She took a deep breath and finally proceeded to enter the number into her phone, it was another minute or so when she let herself press the dial button. The phone began to ring and Marinette felt her anxiety rising steadily with each passing second. It was only a phone call, it wasn't like she was seeing him face to face, not yet anyway.

After a few rings someone finally answered the phone. "Hello?"

Marinette froze, not sure what else to say at the moment. It had been so long since she last heard his voice, but she figured she should start by greeting him back.

"Um....Hello, this is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, is this Adrien?" She wasn't sure why she was speaking to him in such a formal manner, but then again she was calling to accept a job that he was offering.

"Yep, this is him! It's really great to hear from you Marinette, how have you been?" The joy she heard in his voice was enough to make her nerves gradually fade away.

"I'm doing alright at the moment...." She didn't want to worry him, but she couldn't say that everything was great. The past few months haven't been very kind to her since losing her parents.

Adrien noticed remembering what Nino had told him. "Nino told me what you've been going through and I want to help. Did he mention my offer to you by any chance?"

"Yes, that's why I called. I wanted to take you up on that offer, if that's not too much trouble for you."

"No trouble at all, besides it...would be really nice to see you again." The sincerity in his voice made her smile. "Are you free this weekend?"

She nodded, but then blushed from embarrassment when she realizedhe couldn't see her "Yes.....yes I am free."

"Great! I'll save your new number to my phone and text you the address, I can show you around and if you're still interested to work and don't mind calling the place home for awhile, then we can get you set up immediately."

"That sounds great, I'll be there this weekend. Saturday?"

"Saturday. Is 3 o'clock good for you?"

"Perfect, I'll see you then."

"See you then Marinette."

The designer pressed the end call button on her phone and let out a huge breath that she hadn't even realized she had been holding him. Lying down on her bed she stared at the ceiling thinking about the phone call with Adrien.

He still sounded as handsome as ever, always sounding like an angel whenever he spoke. She remembered feeling that the room always became much brighter when he smiled and she blushed at the thought of seeing it once again.

Marinette shook her head and mentally slapped herself. She couldn't think this way, not only was Adrien going to be her boss, but he was also married to Lila of all people. Marinette may have been alot of things, but one thing she knew for sure was that she was not a homewrecker.

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