And the Results Are

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Till wasted no time and went in.  Aro dodged the first punch but wasn't able to move for the second.  Blocking it he was sent flying and into the wall, making an Aro butt size dent in the stone.  He could feel cracks forming on his back from the impact as the other man came attacking again.  Getting himself up, Aro deflected the punch and returned one.  Landing one square in the man's chest, Till brushed it off like it was nothing.  Stunned, Aro wasn't able to react fast enough to the man's punch.  Stumbling he discovered one of his arms missing as Till had used the fist with the knuckle on it and it went through granite skin and bone like butter. 
"Ah shit! Take it easy Till!" Shouted Kyra as she gripped her shoulder.
"Sorry." Apologized Till.
Aro took the quick break to check the clock to find he had three minutes left.  Never had five minutes felt so long.  It felt like an eternity and one that he wanted to end quickly.  The fight continued and even though Aro had landed a few good hits, nothing seemed to slow the other man down.  Till went lighter on the punches and even pulled a few.  By the time the bell had rung, Aro was exhausted and collapsed onto the stone floor.  A shadow blocked his view as Till towered over him menacingly.
"Congratulations. Set a date for the wedding." Said Till before walking off for some water.
Aro cheered as Kyra walked over with his arm and some blood.
"Wait he said wedding. He did say wedding right." Said Aro checking.
"Yes he did my little blood sucker." Said Kyra helping him reattach his arm as he chowed down on the blood.
"I can't believe I had to do this! I mean I'm basically royalty." Scowled Aro.
"Lovely I would be quiet. My brothers may be understanding but they do not like it when people throw their weight around just because of something like a title or rank." Said Kyra.
"It is really degrading." Said Aro.
"And they have went against kings and their empires and came out victorious. They have a problem with authority but since they are trying to keep a low profile they have been only been breaking minor laws or doing things to annoy governments and not destroying whole countries like in the old times." Said Kyra. 
Aro was about to say something before he decided against it considering if they were powerful like Kyra then destroying him and the Volturi would be a piece of cake.  Staying quiet he thanked the fates for such a great mate.

The love birds were very happy that they could keep the date and that an actual wedding was going to take place.  Which meant they had ten months to plan everything and hope nothing else would go wrong.  Fate on the other hand, has to make everything difficult before things settle to a happily forever after.

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