Big Life Decisions

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"A kitten?"

"Maybe. Let's talk more about this in the morning, yeah? We can talk all about that pretty dog in your dream." He says

I smile. He kisses my nose and then lays down next to me. I curl up next to him and go back to sleep.


I wake up the next morning alone in the bed. The sheets are cold underneath my searching fingertips. I get up and walk over to the bathroom. I do my business and wash my face with some warm water. After my face is dry, I head downstairs and sit at the island next to Zak. His mom is cooking breakfast for everyone this morning.

"Good morning! We were wondering when you would wake up." Nancy says.

"Sorry. I was so tired I think I slept through my alarm." I mumble sitting next to Zak.

"Dakota went to the store. He should be home soon." Zak says.

I just nod at him.

"I might get a dog." I blurt.

"What?" Zak asks

"Mhm. I think it's time to move on." I say.

"That's good, honey. I'm glad you're moving on." Nancy says.

"Yeah, sweetie. When are you planning on getting one?" Zak asks

"Dunno. Dakota and I are still discussing." I say shrugging

"Wow.... she sounds like an adult." Zak whispers

"Dad." I say

"You do! Just a day out of high school and your already making choices for yourself! I might actually cry."

"You are crazy. But seriously though, Dakota and I are gonna talk about it when he gets home."

"That's good. Let me know when you decide okay? I'll drive you guys there."

"Thanks Zak."

Nancy hands me a plate of food but tells me to go wake up the other guys so we can all eat together. I go into the guest room on the second floor and waking up all the guys. They all sleep in one room so they don't make a mess in the house.

When I come back downstairs, I hear Dakotas voice echoing through the kitchen.

"Woah! Zak! Stop.... AH!"

I hurry into the kitchen and see Zak spraying Dakota with a toy water gun.

"Zak! Stop!" I say

I'm hit with a squirt on water. It hits me right in the eye.

"Ow!" I say laughing.

"Oh are you okay? I'm sorry!" Zak says.

"You hit me in the eye! But yeah I'm fine." I say.

Dakota come over and hugs me.

"Hello, my darling. How are you this fine day?" He asks me.

"I am ready to adopt a puppy." I say

"Awesome. Let's go upstairs and check out some puppies." He says through a smile.


An hour later we found an adorable little Australian Shepherd and a little Calico kitten. We go back downstairs to show Zak. He's sitting at the table, sobbing, with Polly and grandma.

"Ummm..... are we interrupting something?" Dakota asks

"No, you aren't. Zak is just getting emotional over the wedding." Polly says.

Nebulochaotic {book two} (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt